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- ~~ <br />NOTE 1- SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES tCONTINUEDI: <br />Reserved Fund Balance <br />Special Revenue Funds' fund balances are reser~+ed for the purposes set forth in their description of operation (as stated in <br />Note 2). The Debt Service Fund's fund balance is reserved for the paytnent of bondal debt. The Capital Projact Fund's fund <br />balance is res~rved for t6e constniction of the restitution ceater / Sheriffs subststion facilicy. <br />Encumbrances <br />Unfilled purchase orders are not held opm at June 30. lnste~d, they are rebudgeted in the er~suing yesr's budget. <br />Individual Fund Cash Overdraws <br />Cash overdraws, if any, ia individual funds are recorded in that fuad as an intecfimd piyable: The overdraws are covered <br />by the Geaeral Fund, w}uch racords a co~reaponding interfund rxeivabla . <br />Vacation and Sick Pav <br />Vacation pay is ra:orded as an expeaditure in the goveinmental fund types whea the amounts, if my, aro expectod to be <br />liquidated with expeadable available resources. Other vacation pay which has beea earned is rxorded in the General Long- <br />term Obligations Account Group. The amount of accumulated vacation psy is co~sid~red normal. Vacation pay is recorde~ <br />as an expease of the proprietary fund types wh~ earned. Sick pay is rec~orded wh~ leave is tak~a because it does not vest <br />when earnod. <br />Cash Fiow Statement <br />For purposes of the statement of cash flows, the proprietary fund types consider all lughiy liquid investments with a maturity <br />of three months or less when purchased to be cash equivalents. Accordingly, all County investments are considered to be <br />cash equival~ts. <br />Totais (Memorandum Oniv1 Columns <br />The "Totals (Memorandum Only)" c~olmm~s on the Combined Financial Statements are presentod to facilitate financial <br />analysis and to provide an understanding of changes in the Connty's finaucial position and opera6ons. Data in these colmm~s <br />do not present financial position, resuits of operations or cash flows in conformity with g~lly accepted accounting prin- <br />ciples. Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation. Intetfvnd eliminations hsve not beea made in the aggregation of <br />this data. <br />NOTE 2- ORGANIZATION AND DESCRIPTION OF FUNDS: <br />Marion Couaty is orgaaized under the general laws of the State of Oregon as a"non-home rule" county. The County is <br />govemed by the Board~ of County Commissioners consisting of three elocted members. The General Fund is administered <br />by departments. The Assessor, Clerk, District Attomey, Justices of t6e Peace, Sberiff~ Surveyor and Treasurer are elected <br />departmeat heads, while all other department heads are appointe~l by the Commissioners. <br />The General Fund accoants for all activities not raquired to be accounted for in other fimds. T6e Special Revenue Funds <br />account for activities associated with specific restricted revwue sources. The Debt Service Fund accounts for the repayment <br />of general obligation debt and the related resources. The Ca itap al Project Fund accounts for a spacific jail construction project <br />and will be closed upon completion of the facility. The Enter~rise Funds account for activities t6at are predoaunantly self- <br />supporting which render service to the public on a user charge basis. The Internal Service Funds account for activities that <br />benefit other units of the County's govemment, and are intended to be self-sustaining through c6arges to users. The A enc <br />Funds account for funds held by the County in a fiduciary capacity. The General Fixed Assets Account Groun records the <br />cost of fixed assets benefiting the Couaty in general, and the General Long-term Obligations Account Groua ra:ords the <br />general obligations of the County. <br />-12- <br />