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NOTE 1- SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POlIC1ES ICONTINUEDI: <br />Inventories <br />Inveatories of materials and supplies are val~ed at average cost. InvenWries ar~e expeased as used. <br />Deferted Revenue <br />Deferned reveaue represeats the portion of the amounts ovved w tha County that ara masurable but not available until a.Lta <br />date or ar+e not as yet earned. <br />Fxed Assets <br />Ge~erai fuced assets are stated at coat or estimsted historicat cat whm aduai oosta are not available. Aay donated fuced <br />assets are ra:orded at the 5ir marku valua of such assets at the date of donation. Fucad aaeets purcbased by the ~ave~nmental <br />funds are cbarged to acpeaditures as purchased and capitaliud ia the Ge~al Fi~[ed Assets ~-ooovnt Group. Routine <br />remodeling aad reaovation costs, minor apiW expeaditures, md oeitaia itoma such as r~wds, curba, =uttars, streets, <br />sidawallcs, drainage systems. lightia~ systems. and mainta~anx a~ re;~irs of a routina nad~ra ara ebar~ed to acpe~itures <br />as incurred and are not capitalized. Tbe valua of parlc hnd aoquirad baa aot been de~c~c~ed and, aooordin~ly, is not <br />included in Geaeral Fiued Assets Accouat Group. Tbe original oost of such pulc Imd is cAnsidered W be iasignificaat. <br />Upon disposal of fixed assets, fuced asset accounta are reliaved of the relatod oe~. Deprociation is not computed on fixed <br />aasets in the Geaerat Fixed Assets Accoant Gt~p. <br />Fixed assets of the Eaterprise and Internal Service Funds are stated at coa, or eaimated ori~inal caat, na of accumulated <br />depreciation. Depreciation is computed using the atraight-line method ov~ e,stimated usefullives as foUows: , <br />Motor vehiclea - 3 to 15 years <br />Equipmeat - 3 to 15 years <br />Buildings aad impmvemeats - 45 years (or ehe life of the buildin~, wbichever is less) <br />Depreciation is tak~ from and/or to the moath in which the asset is acquirad and/or retired. Normal maintawncx aad repairs <br />are charged to operations as iaenrred. Expeaditures for major ~itions, improvemeatt and replaoemeats are capitalized. <br />Gains or lossa from sales or retiremmts are included as na~-operatiag revenuee or pcpenses, as appropriste, <br />~Qntributed Ca~ital <br />The following transactions are recorded as contributed capital in the propriW~ry fund types: <br />• Cash transfers of equity from other funds. <br />• Receipts from federal and state fwaacial assistance restriated to t6e acquisition of fued assets. <br />• Fixod assets contributed from otber funds or the General Fixed Assets Aocount Grnup. <br />• Contributions from customers for the acqnisitioa of fixed assets. <br />Reserved Retained Earninas <br />The reserved portion of the Enterprise Funds' retained earnings is in t6e Solid Waste Fund and is for payment of the aanual <br />opentional cost of the mass burn facility. T'he r+eserved portion of the Iaternal Service Funds' retsined earnings ic in the <br />lnsurance Fund aad ~is for t6e payment of insuranx claims. ' <br />In August 1993, We GASB issued Statttt~ot No.18, "Accounting for Solid Waste Muaicipal Lwdfill Closuro and Post- <br />Closure Care Costs," which requires that costs of closure and post-closure of landfills be allaxted w each period that the <br />Iandfill is operated. T'his statement becomes effective for the County's fiscal year eading June 30, 1994, and the County is <br />in the process of assessing the impact that this smtement will have on its financia) statenx.nts. <br />:~~_ <br />