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`Y^id - <br />Following is a descriptioa of the principal resourxs and operations scoounted for in the fimds and aaoount groups utiGzed <br />by the County: <br />FS~ PRINCIPAL RESOURCE~ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS <br />n r I property t~uces, grants, svte <br />shared nevenue, fiass, servicx <br />charges, fiaes and fork.itures, <br />and intetrst <br />~oecial Revenue: <br />Special Juveaile Charges for services and State <br />S~~ <br />Public Worlcs Motor vehicla fees and gaaotiae <br />tax apportionmeats finom the <br />State of Orogon, federal forest <br />revenues, PropertY improvameat <br />asse~sments aad revmues from <br />various federal and state <br />sgeacies <br />Tax Title Land Sales <br />Procxds from the sale of taa <br />forcclosed proparty <br />Lottery Distribution <br />Fund <br />Children and Youth <br />Services <br />Community <br />Development Block <br />Graat <br />Community <br />Cornections <br />Criminal Justice <br />Assessment <br />Mental Health <br />Health Services <br />State Lottery Commission <br />shared r~cveaues <br />Federal and state grants <br />Federal graats <br />State grants, transfers from the <br />General Fund, aad charges for <br />services <br />Fiae assessmeats <br />State grants~ fces and transfers <br />from the Ge~eral Fund <br />State grants and fees <br />Accounts for all operati~a not required <br />to be aocounted for in othec funds. <br />Aocounts for du operation of a <br />facility to bold juveailes a~ for aa <br />dteinative education program for <br />juvauiles. <br />Acxovnts for constnu.tion aad <br />reooostruction, imProvemeat. repair. <br />maiatenaace, eperation and use of <br />public highways, rc~ds aad str~eets. <br />Catain ravenues are re~tricted for <br />these purposas under Article IX of t6e <br />State of Oregon~ Conetiwtion. <br />Accounts for the disposition of <br />procoeeds from the sale of taa <br />fo~clo~ed property. <br />Aocounts for the disbutsmeats related <br />co the Lott~y Video Poker Fund. <br />Accounts for the disbursea~ents <br />related to the childrea and youth <br />Sraut Pro8rams. <br />Accounts for various developmwt <br />programs and rehabilitation loaas to <br />citizeos. <br />Accounts for the operations of the <br />Commw~ity Cornxtions Progrnm. <br />Acoouats for county assess~nt monies <br />for the criminal justice programs. <br />Acoounts for meatal health programs. <br />Accouets for community health <br />progtams. <br />- ts- <br />