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___ <br />ICourthouse Square ~ -- ---__ _...._ _ _ -- - _____--- <br />Architectural Cost Consultants, LLC - _ ___ ___ <br />Estimate Date: <br />R 03-Deo-98 <br />ICOUrt 8 High St~eet James A. Jerde, AIA - Stanley J. Pszczolkowski, AIA Document Date: 29-Oct-98 <br />~Salem, Oregon 6441 SW Canyon Court, Suite 703 Print Date: 03-De~98 <br />Arbuekle Costic Architects, Inc Portiand, Oregon 97221 Print Time: 11:07 AM <br />50% Contract Documents Estimate Phone (503) 297-7210 Fax (503) 297-7187 <br />--- -- ---- - <br />- Construction Start: <br />- - Spriny 99 <br />---- <br />____ _ <br />SUMMARY -- --_ _ --- -- <br />J__ Buiiding Shell 8 Core I Parking ___rStreetscape LBus Mall _TI's L_~ Totals <br /> <br />Direct Construction Cost <br />- <br />_ -- -- <br />_ _ /o _ <br />- ~ _ ° _ _$ / SF Cost_ ~ _ %o __$ / SF Cost -- ~ <br />-- --I- -- Cost _ _I Cost _ /o <br /> <br /> <br />/ SF _Cost -- ~ <br /> <br /> <br />_ -- <br />Area 152,792 sf 71,979 sf 114,326 sf 224,771 s <br />DEMOLITION 0.0% 0.00 0 0.2% 0.12 8,280 25,069 0 0.0% 0.00 0 333,349 <br />SITE WORK 2.0% 1.46 222,663 9.8% 4.52 325,023 1,339,867 1,723,086 0.0% 0.00 0 3,610,639 <br />CONCRETE 24.0% 17.82 2,722,371 45.7% 21.14 1,521,596 N/A N/A 0.0% 0.00 0 4,243,967 <br />MASONRY 6.9% 5.16 788,884 0.0% 0.00 0 N/A N/A 0.0% 0.00 0 788,884 <br />METALS 2.8% 2.07 316,663 1.4% 0.66 47,405 N!A N/A 0.3% 0.07 7,453 371,521 <br />WOOD 8 PLASTICS 0.9% 0.64 97,654 0.0% 0.01 500 N/A N/A 7.8% 1.98 226,185 324,339 <br />MOISTURE - THERMAL CONTROL 3.0% 2.25 343,964 6.5% 3.03 217,798 N/A N/A 0.4% 0.10 11,447 573,209 <br />DOORS, WINDOWS & GLASS 7.0% 5.24 800,453 1.2% 0.57 40,998 N/A N/A 7.0% 1.79 204,088 1,045,538 <br />FINISHES 8.2% 6.11 932,957 1.2% 0.56 40,557 N/A N/A 29.8% 7.60 868,623 1,842,137 <br />SPECIALTIES 0.9% 0.64 97,173 0.5% 0.21 15,410 N/A N/A 1.8% 0.47 53,509 166,092 <br />EQUIPMENT 0.6% 0.47 72,500 0.0% 0.00 0 N/A N/A 0.0% 0.00 0 72,500 <br />FURNISHINGS 0.4% 0.30 45,579 0.0% 0.00 0 N/A N/A 0.4% 0.10 11,616 57,194 <br />SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 0.0% 0.00 0 0.0% 0.00 0 N/A N/A 0.0% 0.00 0 0 <br />CONVEYING SYSTEMS 2.9% 2.14 327,300 1.8% 0.85 61,500 N/A N/A 0.0% 0.00 0 388,800 <br />MECHANICAL <br />HVAC 17.3% 12.87 1,966,000 9.0% 4.17 300,000 N/A N/A 13.3% 3.40 388,432 2,654,432 <br />Plumbing 2.8% 2.06 315,000 4.9% 2.25 162,000 N/A N/A 4.0% 1.02 116,900 593,900 <br />Fire sprinklers 1.5% 1.13 173,214 3.3% 1.55 111,567 N/A N/A 2.0% 0.50 57,163 341,944 <br />ELECTRICAL 7.0% 5.17 789,913 2.5% 1.16 83,826 212,413 194,090 21.4% 5.45 623,551 1,903,792 <br />SUBTOTAL 88.1% 65.53 10,012,287 88.1% 40.80 2,936,461 1,577,348 1,917,176 88.1'/e 22.47 2,568,965 19,012,238 <br />GENERAL CONDITIONS 6.8% 5.08 775,952 6.8% 3.16 227,576 122,244 148,581 6.8°~6 1.74 199,095 1,473,448 <br />GENERAL CONTRACTOR OH 8 FEE 3.6% 2.65 404,559 3.6°h 1.65 118,651 63,735 77,466 3.6% 0.91 103,802 768,213 <br />ESTIMATING CONTINGENCY 1.5% 1.10 167,892 1.5% 0.68 49,240 26,450 32,148 1.5% 0.38 43,078 318,808 <br />INDEX TO CONSTRUCTION START 0.0% 0.00 0 0.0% 0.00 0 0 0 0.0% 0.00 0 0 <br />TOTAL OIRECT CONSTRN. COST 100.0°/a 74.35 11,360,691 100.0% 46.29 3,331,929 1,789,777 2,175,371 100.0% 25.50 2,914,941 521,5T2,708 <br /> 595.98 <br />The above estimates are for direct construction cost only. They do not include fumishings b equipment, consultant fees, inspection and testing fees, plan check fees, hazardous material <br />testing and removal, financing costs, nor any other normally associated development costs. <br />The above estimates assume a competitively bid project, with at least three qualified bidders in each of the major sub-trades as well as the general contractors. <br />I The estimate includes a 2.5% estimating contingency. (drawings and details are not complete, complete specifications not provided for this estimate). <br />The above estimates assume a construction start date of: Spring 99 If the start of construction is delayed beyond the date above, the estimates must be indexed at a rate of 2 to 4% <br />per year compounded. <br />Detail Summary - Page 2 <br />