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The completion of !he consultant's study has provided the following additional <br />inforn~tion regarding the County's facilities: <br />a. The Caunty's populatio~z i~t 1993 was 244, 883. <br />b. Annual growth rates used by the consrdtant vmy be[ween 1.20% <br />and 2.25%. <br />c. Marion County maintains 13 separate br~ildings on 4 campuses <br />in the Salem area. <br />d. The value of the existing building inventory (excluding the <br />county shopsJ is in excess of 60 mil(ion dallars. These buildings <br />comprise approximately 541, 000 sq. ft. <br />e. Marion County employs approxintately 1, 300 full time, part time <br />and seasonal emp[oyees. <br />f. The current shortfall of bui[ding space ui 1993 is in excess of <br />54, 000 sq. ft. Additional space needs by the year 2013 are <br />estirnated at I86, 000 net sq. ft. <br />In addition to space and staffing needs, [l~e consultant also evaluated the <br />condition of each building wi[h the exception of the County shops. The <br />following is a brief analysis of these buildings. <br />Counhouse: <br />Franklin Bldg: <br />Age: 44 ~~ears <br />Condition: Good - <br />Descriplion: The rnajority of tlie building is occupied by the State <br />Couns and their support departments. Based on a 10 <br />year trend, mast counry depamnents will need to relocate <br />within the next 5-7 years to accornmodate Court growtJz. <br />Extensive remodeling will also be required for court- <br />rooms and improved security. <br />Age: 82 years <br />Coridition: Fair/good <br />Description: The building consists of 6 f[oors with approximately 3500 <br />net sq. ft. per floor. Floor space does not a[!ow [arge <br />departments to use Ute space efficiently. <br />