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Project Overview <br />In 1991, Marion County ini[iated an in-house review of our facilities, space needs and <br />service demands. This study revea[ed the followi~zg: <br />a. Maintenance and operating costs of our older buildings was <br />exceeding our ability to manage these costs within the year[y <br />budget. The unfunded needs for repair and maintenance was in <br />excess of 1.5 million dollars. <br />b. Severa! departmen[s had outgrown their building space and were <br />now leasing private office space at an average cos[ of 25 <br />cents/sq. ft. more than the County's renta[ rate. <br />c. Since 1984 the growth of the State Coun system was displacing <br />County departments from the Courthouse. This trend would <br />continue and would require the County to relocate all non-court <br />related depanments from the Courthouse by the year 2000. <br />d. The conamuniry emphasis on the adult and juvenile justice system <br />~vas again creating a shortage of space for both administrative <br />and detenrion facilities. <br />In I992/93, tiae Counry hired a consultant, WEGroup Planners and Architects <br />to prepare a 20 year master faci[ity plan. The plan was prepared in three <br />parts. The first phase focused exclusively on the Juvenile campus. The second <br />arul third elements of the study focused on the remaining Counry departments <br />ancl the Tri-agency [aw e~zforceinent faci[iry respectively. <br />The Juvenile Departme~~t's planniiTg process continued into the design phase <br /> of a critical shortage of detentiat space. However, construction has <br />been put on hold until a fi~nding strategy is developed for this and al[ other <br />faciliry projects. Over the next 10 years the plan identifies a need for 36, 000 <br />sq. ft. of new construction and 10, 000 sq. ft. of remodeled space. Cost is <br />estiinated at 7.6 mil[ion dollars. <br />The Tri-agency facilit~~ is a joint effort invo[ving the Sheriff's Office, Salem <br />Po[ice and Oregan State Police. The Correclions Department is also consider- <br />eing space in the buildi~tg. The preliminary design proposes a 140,000 sq. ft. <br />building, costing approximatety 26 ntillion dollars. It is anticipated this <br />faciliry will be located adjacent to the corrections facility campus. <br />I <br />