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Geotechnical Investigation Report Detroit Lake Water Reservoir <br />Detroit, Oregon <br />soon as possible after grading. Surface water runoff should be collected and directed away from <br />slopes to prevent water from running down the face of the slope. <br />D.3 DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS <br />D.3.1 Surface and Subsurface Drainage Requirements <br />The Contractor shall be made responsible for temporary drainage of surface water and <br />groundwater as necessary to prevent standing water and/or erosion at the working <br />surface. We recommend removing only the foliage necessary for construction to help <br />minimize erosion. <br />The ground surface around the structures should be sloped to create a minimum <br />gradient of 2 percent away from the building foundations for a distance of at least 5 feet. <br />Surface water should be directed away from all buildings into drainage swales or into a <br />storm drainage system. “Trapped” planting areas should not be created next to any <br />building without providing means for drainage. The roof downspouts should discharge <br />onto splash blocks or paving that direct water away from the buildings, or into smooth- <br />walled underground drain lines that carry the water to appropriate discharge locations at <br />least 10 feet away from any buildings. <br />D.3.2 Foundation Drains <br />We recommend foundation drains around the perimeter foundations of all structures. <br />The foundation drains should be at least 12 inches below the base of the slab. The <br />foundation drain should consist of perforated collector pipes embedded in a minimum 2- <br />foot-wide zone of angular drain rock. The drain rock should meet specifications provided <br />in the “Structural Fill” in this appendix. The drain rock should be wrapped in a geotextile <br />fabric. The collector pipes should discharge at an appropriate location away from the <br />base of the footings. Unless measures are taken to prevent backflow into the wall’s <br />drainage system, the discharge pipe should not be tied directly into the stormwater drain <br />system. <br />November 23, 2009 <br />Project No. 72852.000 <br />D-4 <br />