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Geotechnical Investigation Report Detroit Lake Water Reservoir <br />Detroit, Oregon <br />Aggregate. We recommend the granular wall backfill be separated from general fill, <br />native soil, and/or topsoil using a geotextile fabric that meets the requirements provided <br />in ODOT SS 02320.10 – Geosynthetics, Acceptance and ODOT SS 02320.20 – <br />Geotextile Property Values, Table 02320-1 (p. 734) for separation geotextile. The <br />geotextile should be installed in conformance with ODOT SS 00350 – Geosynthetic <br />Installation. <br />The wall backfill should be compacted to a minimum of 92 percent of the maximum dry <br />density, as determined by ASTM D 1557. However, backfill located within a horizontal <br />distance of 3 feet from the retaining walls should only be compacted to approximately 90 <br />percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM D 1557. Backfill placed <br />within 3 feet of the wall should be compacted in lifts less than 6-inches thick using hand- <br />operated tamping equipment (such as, jumping jack or vibratory plate compactors). <br />D.1.7 Granular Drain Backfill Material <br />Backfill in a 2-foot zone against the back of retaining walls and for subsurface trench <br />drains should consist of granular drain rock meeting the specifications provided in ODOT <br />SS 00430.11 – Granular Drain Backfill Material. The granular drain rock should be <br />wrapped in a geotextile fabric that meets the specifications provided in ODOT SS <br />02320.10 – Geosynthetics, Acceptance and ODOT SS 02320.20 – Geotextile Property <br />Values, Table 02320-1 (p. 734) for drainage geotextile. The geotextile should be <br />installed in conformance with ODOT SS 00350 – Geosynthetic Installation. <br />D.1.8 Aggregate Base Rock <br />Aggregate base rock below asphalt concrete pavements should be clean, crushed rock <br />or crushed gravel. The base aggregate should contain no deleterious materials, meet <br />specifications provided in ODOT SS 02630.10 – Dense-Graded Aggregate 1”-0”, and <br />have less than 5 percent by weight passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 Sieve. The <br />aggregate base rock should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry <br />density, as determined by ASTM D 1557. <br />D.1.9 Recycled Concrete, Asphalt, and Base Rock <br />Asphalt pavement, concrete, and base rock from the existing site improvements can be <br />used in structural fills, provided no particles greater than 6 inches are present and no <br />hazardous or deleterious material is present. It also must be thoroughly mixed with soil, <br />sand, or gravel such that there are no voids between the fragments. The recycled <br />material should generally conform to ODOT SS 00330.12 – Borrow Material. This <br />material should be approved by the engineer before use. <br />D.2 PERMANENT SLOPES <br />Permanent cut and fill slopes up to 10-feet tall may be built to a gradient as steep as 2H:1V. <br />However, cut slopes over 10-feet tall should be limited to a gradient of 2.5H:1V or should be <br />partially retained by a retaining wall. Slopes that will be maintained by mowing should not be <br />constructed steeper than 3H:1V. Newly constructed fill slopes should be over-built by at least 12 <br />inches, and then trimmed back to the required slope to maintain a firm face. Higher slopes <br />should be individually designed. <br />Access roads and pavements should be located at least 5 feet from the top of cut and fill slopes. <br />Slopes should be planted with appropriate vegetation to provide protection against erosion as <br />November 23, 2009 <br />Project No. 72852.000 <br />D-3 <br />