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Superintendent Homer Kearns <br />An immediate need for the county is finding capital to offset initial construction costs. Assistance <br />with the furnislungs budget for the hea.ring room would be of great help. Making the facility <br />state-of-the-art to utilize computer technology in presentations, accommodate multiple <br />microphones for the public address system and purchase of additional audio/visual equipment will <br />be a costly, but necessary, expense. <br />Following the meeting with your board on August 13"', I look forward to further discussions on <br />developing a cooperative arrangement for use of the hearing/conference facility in Courthouse <br />Squaze. I will be on vacation for the next two weeks returning on August 24"`. During my <br />absence, if you need further information please contact Carol Fischer in the Commissioner's ofi'ice <br />at 588-5212. <br />C: Billy Wasson <br />John Whittington <br />Carol Fischer <br />