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2/3 Overall status of egpenses/Transit assumption of paying agent. <br />Tom Wolfgram agreed to take over the budget updates and maintain the official books from July <br />1998 forward. Transit will maintain the official books, but we will still pay from two sources <br />until the construction stage begins. At that time Transit will become the single paying agent. <br />Elyn will get approval from Tom prior to all payments so that the official books can be <br />maintained. She will also need to give Tom all finance costs for the books. Both Billy and Elyn <br />agreed to keep Tom informed so he can be on top of costs at all times. <br />Transit will not receive their money flow until after the acquisition model is approved by the <br />FTA. This should occur this Fall. <br />Payment approval will be as follows: <br />Architech and Engineering contractors will submit bills to Melvin Mark. <br />Melvin Mark will approve and submit to Billy Wasson. <br />Billy Wasson will approve and submit to Elyn Lyon <br />Elyn Lyon will get approval from Tom Wolfgram and then pay. <br />Tom said he will produce an updated budget sheet (with additional subcategories) after July, <br />when he has all of the information accumulated. Sheryl to copy the file to disk for Tom. <br />In the future when Transit needs to access the revenue flow from the County to cover expenses <br />the procedure will be: <br />Tom Wolfgram will submit a.n "invoice" with backup documentation to Billy Wasson. <br />Billy Wasson will approve and submit to Elyn Lyon. <br />Elyn Lyon will submit the invoice for payment to the Transit District. <br />. Other Business <br />• It's unclear whether the Streetscape dollars are awarded to the project, County, Transit or <br />a combination. The last conversation sounded like the grant was to the County and that <br />the City will reimburse actual costs. Billy agreed to follow up with the City to clarify. <br />Jeff Detwiller will oversee the streetscape for the City. <br />• On 6/10/98 the BOC approved a resolution to continue the revenue resource from Solid <br />Waste. <br />• Future Meetings: <br />The Finance Team will meet the second Thursday of each month from 1-2 pm at <br />the Transit District conference room. July 9'~ will be the ne~rt meeting. <br />The subcommittee will give a status report on the reconciliation and the new <br />books system. <br />Dan asked that the Bond Counsel (Einowski and Clements) be kept cunent with <br />