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From: MICHAEL HANSEN <br />To: GWM2.M-MCDCl.BWASSON <br />Date: 10/16/98 12:24pm <br />Subject: Courthouse Square Documents <br />Billy, <br />Ben and I meet at 3:30 today to go over the documents. In think we will <br />manage the intergovernmental development agreement with little difference on <br />final terms. <br />I have some difficulties with the condo declaration and bylaws. The key isues <br />relate to cost sharing for operation, maintenance and repair of common <br />facilities. I know we have agreed to 50-50 on the hearing room. Ben has the <br />parking garage maintained on a 15.5o and 84.5o split based on ownership of the <br />258 spaces (40 and 218). All other costs(building and streetscape etc) is <br />split 18.5o and 81.5% based on the ratio of useable square footage. No <br />portion of the common costs are attributed to the Hearing Room or Bus Mall. <br />There are different ways to split these costs. Exhibit D, Respective Shares, <br />lists the cost allocation of common space construction costs as 20.07% Transit <br />and 79.93o County for the building. As an alternative, Transit's total share <br />of construction costs, for everything but streetscape is 31.420. WAS THERE <br />ANY UNDERSTANDING OR AGREEMENT THAT ONE OF THESE NiJMBERS WOULD ALSO REPRESENT <br />A SHARE OF THE COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE? <br />It seems to me that common expenses will include the plaza, streetscape and <br />the concrete slab on which the Mall and Office Units are built, and to which <br />the parking garage ceiling is attached. Excluding the Mall completely doesn't <br />seem reasonable because the heavy, exhaust producing, vibration producing <br />buses will put wear and tear on the sidewalks, the concrete slab and the <br />exterior of building walls and ceiling of the parking garage. There should be <br />related operation, repair and maintenance expenses. WAS ANY CONSIDERATION <br />GIVEN TO THIS SO THAT I AM FUSSING OVER SOMETHING ALREADY RESOLVED? <br />Finally, I am having trouble with the proposed ground lease that the <br />continuing party would enter with transit/county as landowners in the event <br />the other party terminated because the conditions precedent (financing and bid <br />amount) were not satisfied. Ben's form raises some big questions, such as : <br />l. Where does the county want to be if the county terminates? <br />2. Where does the county want to be if transit terminates? <br />As I read Ben's proposed lease it is for a term of 75 years. Rent is not paid <br />until the project (te be defined later) is built. Whoever takes on the lease <br />must break ground on the project within 6 months and finish construction <br />within 18 months. The start date is the date a party elects to "continue", <br />which can be no later than February 29, 1999. Practically speaking, I don't <br />see how the county could be a continuing party_ It will take more than a <br />month to define a project and more than six months to break ground given the <br />need to pay off old COPs, sell new COPs, choose and design a project, let <br />bids, etc. <br />