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<br />7a <br />8 Floor/Roof Framing Plans <br /> are required for all floors/roof assemblies indicating member sizing, <br />spacing and bearing locations, nailing and connection details. Show location of attic ventilation. <br />8a <br />9 Basement and Retaining Wall <br /> cross sections and details showing placement of reinforcing steel, <br />drains and waterproofing shall be provided. Engineered plans are required for retaining walls <br />exceeding 4' in height and basement walls not complying with the prescriptive code requirements. <br />For engineered systems, see item 13, for “Engineer’s calculations”. <br />9a <br />10 Beam Calculations <br />. Provide two sets of calculations using current code design values for all <br />beams and multiple joists exceeding prescriptive code requirements, and/or any beam/joist carrying <br />a non-uniform load. <br />10a <br />11 Manufactured Floor/Roof Truss Layouts with Reactions. <br /> <br />11a <br />12 Energy Code Compliance <br />. Identify the prescriptive path or provide calculations. <br />12a <br />13 Engineer’s Calculations <br /> when required or provided, (i.e. shear wall, roof truss, retaining walls <br />exceeding 4') shall be stamped by an engineer or architect licensed in Oregon and shall be shown to <br />be applicable to the project under review by cross-reference to the applicable plan location. <br />13a Provide engineering calculations; 2 copies. <br />All submittals identified on the Checklist must be completed before plan review start date. Minor changes or notes on submitted <br />plans may be in blue or black ink. Red ink is reserved for department use only. <br /> <br />Additional Specific Required Items for this Project: <br /> <br /> <br />Your application for plan review is not considered complete and will not be in line for review until our office receives the items noted <br />above. The completion of the preliminary check of the plans is contingent on your response time. Your application will remain in the <br />review process for 180 days from the date that the original application was made. After 180 days, the application will expire and fees will <br />be forfeited. <br />555 Court St. NE Room 2260 ~ P.O. Box 14500 ~ Salem, Oregon 97309-5036 ~ Phone (503) 588-5147 ~ Fax (503) 588-7948 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />