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3896 Beverly Avenue NE <br />TOM LARSEN ENTERPRI'SES Suite22A <br /> Salem, Oregon 97305 <br /> 503-362-0920 <br /> <br />THIS PLAN REVIEw was completed by TOM LARSEN ENTERPRISES <br />PLANS EXAMINER: ~on ~.- /?_,~/19 ~r~" <br /> <br />ACTIVITY NO. 98-00606 <br /> <br />TLE NO. 98-1025 <br /> <br />CONDITIONS REQUIRED: <br /> <br />1. LOT DRAINAGE. Lots shall be pm~,ided with adequate drainage and shall be graded so as <br />to drain surface water away from foundation walls. The grade away from foundation walls shall <br />fall a minimum of 6 in. within the first 10 ft. Where lot lines, walls or other physical barriers <br />prohibit 6" of fall within 10 feat, drains or ether approved means shall be provided to ensure <br />positive drainage. [Sec. 401.3] <br /> <br />2. MAXIMUM FILL HEIGHT. The foundation/basement wall was reviewed assuming a <br />maximum 4 feet of unbalanced fill or less. If the actual height of fill is more than 4 feat, then an <br />addendum to this plan review shall be made by the permit holder, by submitting to this office <br />revised foundation/basement wall plans, that are an engineered design, showing the true fill <br />height (with calculations) or that meets the requirements of Table 404.1 .lb in the Code. Submit <br />before construction commences. <br /> <br />3. BP,ENG. This'structure uses a combinatiOn of Brace Wall Panels, (BP) and an Engineered <br />design to meet the code requirements for lateral wall bracing. Insure that all BP's and ABP's and <br />Engineered Design requirements ara located as indicated on the plans and constructed as shown <br /> <br />4. TRUSS DESIGN. Roof trusses are required to be designed by an Oregon registered Engi- <br />neer or Architect. For trusses manufactured by an approved fabrication plant, have the design <br />and layout d.rawings available at the construction site for the framing inspection. All job site <br />cutting or modification of the roof trusses shall be clearly shown in the engineers design <br />calculations and drawings. <br /> <br />5. A'l-rlC VENTS. Provide screened attic vents with a net free area of 1/150 of the attic area. <br />(or 1/300 if between 50 and 80% of required area is ventilators in the upper portion of the attic <br />and located at least 3 feat above eave or cornice vents. As an alternative, install a 4 mil vapor <br />barrier on the warm side of the ceiling. [Sec. 806.2]. <br /> <br /> <br />