<br />
<br />July ~_~, 1980
<br />
<br /> 'nvirenmsntsl Quality
<br /> ~ ~ th
<br />'? 2 "~on
<br />
<br /> i? !~tt~r is tc exo!:ain hc~ t¢,,¢ Dl:~t of the
<br /> ~.~ ;,~as revised, fro:: ~'?.e origi~.l pl~t
<br />2'~~ .......... b tO ~' v.'~.~ ~ ~
<br /> ' ',': ;,.'., !o~s were 75' in :,ri4th to s~ ?.coom~od,~t&c~ cf Icv:'~
<br /> ' : '~'""~ of lO~S~ ~*~"~ ' ~ ...... .-
<br /> .................. eOy .%ak&n>; the iota -"~(~tk
<br /> ; ;",r~ suitable fern ;h? ~nsta!!s.t~on of septic
<br />
<br /> · -. :5 :.chec. herevo is a ~ls.t cf the P.<£%N 2nc: :"
<br />':,. - ..... ' ,!th th~ lots colored sho~,;in:r the siz~ ~- the ':.o~- ·
<br />':' :' ..... ~ ..... + O~ this ~ ~ ~ c
<br /> · . .~v. sion ?:as ~sde :.:':y 15, 1979 '"
<br />
<br /> ~-n ~.v~K One the north 25' of Lot 2 is oomb'~ng¢, mtn
<br />,.-,.--. 1 .... '?~'~ "1il be oorbined _~__ cne u~lt, ~ne south 50',
<br />Lt'; ,'~': ~h~ north 50~ of Lot 3 is one unit. ':e¢~ ,:curb ~5'
<br />of Cst ~ '.:'md Lot ~ ~re comb~_ned~ and ~ire one unit;,or, in
<br />c'h,er-'c*- ~ z, the ~ lots are ,:aC .' into 3 units. Lots
<br />,.,~,,, co,~b[u~d as one unit. itt 7 ~...~*'~ th~ north half Lot
<br />a unit, .Jne south half of Lot 8 an? Lot 9 is also one unit.
<br />:..ot~: i.',', 11 :~{ 12 are unsuitable fcr septic tanks. Lots
<br />[3, 14 :.nd 15 are suitable.
<br />
<br /> i : -~' _ ...... a 4 '.'¢~ divided in~o thr~-o
<br /> .:=..~CK TWO Lots ~, ~, 3 ~-~' .~-~
<br />!ot;~. 25' of Lot 2 was added to Lot 1. 'l~:e south 50' of Lot
<br />2 -:,::.: ::'~ north 50' of Lot 3 ,~zere co,~bined. 'zhe south 25' of
<br />~ov 3 ..... '' added to Lot 4, or In o ~=~ "
<br />wish t'~," ~ lots. Lots 5 and 6 yore co:;bined ant! will be one
<br />butle%ng site. Also, Loss ? aur~ 8 s,~e co: cined as one bui!d!n:
<br />== .e. 'Uno ~or~h half of Lo~ !0 is cc"Olned :.:ith Lot 9 anr-
<br /> r':-' r .... 2~ south half o~ Lot 10
<br />be 03 :..e. ed as one bui!di~ si,~=. '
<br />i~ combined with Lo~ 1! and will be considered one unit.
<br />
<br /> ==~,~;~ z~_f~,*: ,- Lot 1 is suitable. '~_ne north 25' of Lot
<br />is cc-bined with Lot 2. '~e south 50' of Lot 3 and vhe north
<br />47.33' of Itt 4 are combined. ~ south 20' of Lot 4 is combined
<br />.... ~ ~o~ 5 to make one unit. Lot 6 is one unit;
<br />the forth 30' of Lot 8 is one unit. 'ihs remainder cf Lot 8
<br />
<br />
<br />