The names appear in the order of the random alphabet for this election.
These districts will elect directors at the May election.
* All candidates must file with this office unless it indicates another county as the filing officer. _______________________________________________________________________
GERVAIS S/D #1 Director, Position 1, 4 year term Jack Belleque
Director, Position 5, 4 year term Ronald Pearmine
DISTRICT MEASURE : 24-105 : GERVAIS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 Gervais School District General Obligation Bond Authorization Explanatory Statement
SILVER FALLS S/D #4J (Joint w/Clackamas) Director, Zone 1, 4 year term (Marion Co.) Doug Morgan
Director, Zone 3, 4 year term (Marion Co.) Maryann Mills James Sinn
Director, Zone 6, 4 year term (Marion and Clackamas Co.) David Beeson
Director, Zone 7, 4 year term (Marion and Clackamas Co.) Mark Daniel Sexton
CASCADE S/D #5 Director, Position 1, 4 year term
Director, Position 2, 4 year term
CENTRAL S/D #13J (Joint w/Polk - POLK FILING OFFICER) Director, Position 1, 4 year term NO CANDIDATE FILED
Director, Position 3, 4 year term Dan Cannon
Director, Position 5, 4 year term Karen R. Ross
Director, Position 7, 4 year term Michael R. Tebb
JEFFERSON S/D #14J (Joint with Linn) Director, Position 1, 4 year term Tracy L. Roe Bob Ferguson
Director, Position 3, 4 year term Dewey Robbins Rich Engel Debra Shelby
NORTH MARION #S/D 15 Director, Position 2, 4 year term Jerry A. Roppe
Director, Position 5, 4 year term Barb Carpenter
Director, Position 7, 4 year term Julie M. Miller
SALEM-KEIZER S/D #24J (Joint with Polk)
Director, Zone 2, 4 year term (Marion Co.)
Director, Zone 4, 4 year term (Marion Co.) Tim Rawlings
Director, Zone 6, 4 year term (Marion Co.) Don Jensen
NORTH SANTIAM S/D #29J (Joint with Linn)
Director, Zone 2, 4 year term (Stayton Urban) Dick Morley
Director, Zone 4, 4 year term (Mari-L) NO CANDIDATE FILED
Director, Zone 5, 4 year term (At Large #1) Wendie Bradley Tim McCollister Bill Davis
Director, Zone 6, 4 year term (At Large #2)
ST. PAUL S/D #45 Director, Position 1, 4 year term James P. Wolf
Director, Position 2, 4 year term Paul Kirsch
Director, Position 7, 4 year term Steve Pierson
Director, Position 4, 2 year term Michael Davidson
MT. ANGEL S/D #91 Director, Position 1, 4 year term Dick Hoffer
Director, Position 4, 4 year term Dana Allen
WOODBURN S/D #103 Director, Position 1, 4 year term
Director, Position 4, 4 year termE. Laurice Catterson
Director, Position 2, 2 year term Dan Dozier
Director, Position 5, 2 year term John Catterson Preston Watts
SANTIAM CANYON #S/D 129J (Joint w/Linn- LINN FILING OFFICER) Director Zone 4, 4 year term Paul J. Eide
Director Zone 5, 4 year term Christina Morris
Director, Zone 1, 4 year term (Marion Co.) Ed Dodson
Director, Zone 3, 4 year term (Marion Co.)
Director, Zone 6, 4 year term (Marion Co)
Director, Zone 7, 4 year term (Polk Co.) Gwen Van Den Bosch (registered voter in Polk County)
Director, Zone 5, 2 year term (Marion Co.)
Director, Zone 1, (Marion and Polk Co.) Rodney Buchanan (registered voter in Polk County) Lowell Ford (registered voter in Polk County)
Director, Zone 2, (Marion Co.) Larry McMurray
Director, Zone 3, (Marion Co.) Phil Frey
Director, Zone 4, (Benton and Polk Co.) Frank W. Pender, Jr
Director, Zone 5, (Marion and Linn Co.) Gary L. Wallstrom
Director, Zone 6, (Marion and Clackamas Co.) David Beeson
Director, Zone 7, (Marion Co.) Dora E. Velasco
Director, Zone 8, (Yamhill, Washington and Clackamas Co.) Edward "Ed" Glad (registered voter in Yamhill County)
Director, Zone 9, (Tillamook, Polk and Yamhill) Mark Trumbo (registered voter in Yamhill County)
Director, Zone 10, At Large (Benton, Clackamas, Linn, Marion, Polk, Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill) Ruth Hewett
Director, Zone 11, At Large (Benton, Clackamas, Linn, Marion, Polk, Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill) Bart McElroy
AUMSVILLE RFPD #62 Director, Position 1, 4 year term Don Priddy
Director, Position 4, 4 year term Pat Godfrey
Director, Position 5, 4 year term Ted Cupp
AURORA RFPD #63 (Joint with Clackamas) Director, Position 1, 4 year term Fred Netter
Director, Position 2, 4 year term Rosella Yoder (registered voter in Clackamas County)
DRAKES CROSSING RFPD #64 Director, Position 3, 4 year term Becky Whaley
Director, Position 4, 4 year term Richard Bergerson
Director, Position 5, 4 year term Kenneth C. Robinson
GATES RFPD #65 (Joint with Linn) Director, Position 1, 4 year term Thomas A. Hilgers
Director, Position 4, 4 year term Alexis Winn (registered voter in Linn County)
Director, position 5, 4 year term Liz Cutler (registered voter in Linn County)
HUBBARD RFPD #66 Director, Position 1, 4 year term Ken Kleczynski
Director, Position 2, 4 year term Arnold R. Evans
Director, Position 3, 4 year term NO CANDIDATE FILED
IDANHA-DETROIT RFPD #67 (Joint with Linn) Director, Position 3, 4 year term NO CANDIDATE FILED
Director, Position 4, 4 year term Susanne Eide
Director, Position 5, 4 year term Christi L. Ammon (registered voter in Linn County)
JEFFERSON RFPD #68 (Joint with Linn) Director, Position 2, 4 year term Becky A. McKibben
Director, Position 3, 4 year term David R. Jones
Director, Position 5, 4 year term Bud Jones
KEIZER RFPD #69 Director, Position 3, 4 year term Mike Hart
Director, Position 4, 4 year term Michael Kurtz
Director, Position 5, 4 year term Greg Ego
MARION COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT 1 - #71 Director, Position 1, 4 year term
Director, Position 2, 4 year term
MILL CITY RFPD #72(Joint w/Linn- LINN FILING OFFICER) Director, Position 1, 4 year term Virgil Trout
Director, Position 2, 4 year term Thomas L. White
Director, Position 5, 4 year term Scott J. Baughman
MONITOR FIRE DISTRICT #73 (Joint w/Clackamas- CLACKAMAS FILING OFFICER) Director, Position 1, 4 year term Ross N. Iverson
Director, Position 2, 4 year term NO CANDIDATE FILED
Director, Position 4, 2 year term NO CANDIDATE FILED
MT. ANGEL RFPD #74 Director, Position 1, 4 year term Ron Vandecoevering
Director, Position 2, 4 year term Erwin Nickodemus
Director, Position 3, 4 year term Phil Wiesner
POLK COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT #80 (Joint w/Polk - POLK FILING OFFICER) Position 3, 4 year term Stan Peterson Greg Showell
Position 4, 4 year term Kristine Lorenz Jeanette Randall Case Craig Pope
Position 5, 4 year term Michael L. Coggins Allen P. Risen
SALEM SUBURBAN RFPD #75 (Joint with Polk) Director, Position 3, 4 year term Donald L. Jones
Director, Position 4, 4 year term Larry M. Marr
Director, Position 5, 4 year term Robert C. Grove
SILVERTON FIRE DISTRICT # 78 (Joint with Clackamas) Director, Position 1, 4 year term William Peckenpaugh
Director, Position 5, 4 year term Warren "Rick" Jackson
Director, Position 3, 2 year term Raymond H. Bersin
ST. PAUL RFPD #76 Director, Position 3, 4 year term Sean R. Connor
Director, Position 4, 4 year term Richard Buyserie
Director, Position 5, 4 year term James D. Bernards
STAYTON FIRE DISTRICT #81 (Joint with Linn) Director, Position 2, 4 year term Michael L. Odenthal
Director, Position 3, 4 year term Dick Morley
SUBLIMITY RFPD #82 Director, Position 1, 4 year term Jim Liesch Jim Crowther Kyle M. Amsberry
Director, Position 2, 4 year term Mark S. Jensen Jeff Kropf
Director, Position 3, 4 year term Ralph Fisher
Director, Position 5, 2 year term Wayne C. Palmquist Rick Kauffman Trever J. Elmer
TURNER FIRE DISTRICT #83 Director, Position 1, 4 year term David D. Versteeg
Director, Position 2, 4 year term NO CANDIDATE FILED
Director, Position 3, 4 year term Russell E. Rice
WOODBURN FIRE DISTRICT 6 - #84 Director, Position 1, 4 year term Jacquee Blalock
Director, Position 2, 4 year term Todd Bowman
Director, Position 3, 4 year term
LAKE LABISH WATER CONTROL DISTRICT (vote for 6) Director Nancy A. Baker Greg Bennett Edward A. Harris Patrick McClaughry James J. Schlechter
LYONS-MEHAMA WATER DISTRICT #61 (Joint w/Linn - LINN FILING OFFICER) Director, Position 1, 4 year term Bruce Matthis
Director, Position 3, 4 year term Roy F. Pallett
SANTIAM WATER CONTROL DISTRICT #57 (Joint with Linn) (vote for 4) Director, 4 year term Jim Belden Richard Gilbert Terrill Isaak David Dalke
SOUTH SANTIAM RIVER WATER CONTROL DISTRICT (Joint w/Linn - LINN FILING OFFICER) Director, Position 4, 4 year term George Gillett
Director, Position 5, 4 year term Steven E. Helms
Director, Position 6, 4 year term Clifton Plagmann
Director, Position 7, 4 year term Terrill Plagmann
SUBURBAN EAST SALEM WATER DISTRICT #60 Commissioner, Position 1, 4 year term Willis D. Meisenheimer
Commissioner, Position 2, 4 year term Mark Fields
Commissioner, Position 3, 4 year term Kenneth Tobin
JEFFERSON PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT (Joint with Linn) Director, Position 1, 4 year term Judy Cellerini Donell M. Wynn
Director, Position 2, 4 year term Donald Bemrose
Director, Position 3, 4 year term Sandy Shreve
SALEM AREA MASS TRANSIT DISTRICT (Joint with Polk) Director, Subdistrict 1, 4 year term (Marion and Polk Co.) Trey Smith (registered voter in Polk County)
Director, Subdistrict 3, 4 year term Eric D. Jacobson
Director, Subdistrict 5, 4 year term
Director, Subdistrict 7, 4 year term
SILVER FALLS LIBRARY DISTRICT (vote for 3) Director, 4 year term Ronn M. Bevan Aileen Conrad Patricia Fischer
REFERENDUM ORDER BY PETITION OF THE PEOPLE Imposes Streetscape Utility Fee to Fund Certain Activity in Right-of-Way