Salem Area Mass Transit District
Director, Subdistrict 1


OCCUPATION: Treasurer, Marion-Polk Green Party

Staff Person, Citizens for Livable Communities

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND:aNonprofit Consultant, Organizational Treasurer, Mitigation Investigator, Licensed Social Worker

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Ouachita Baptist University, B.A.

Arkansas Tech University, B.A.

Pittsburg State University, M.S.


As I write this statement in March, America is at war and gas prices are teetering near $2 per gallon! It’s our reliance on oil that has placed both our economy and environment in a precarious situation. If we continue to guzzle gasoline at current rates, we will leave our economy and environment in shambles. Is this the legacy we wish to leave future generations?

A key way to reduce our dependence on oil in the Salem area is by dramatically increasing bus ridership. Every time residents ride a Cherriots bus, dozens of cars are taken off the road and less money is then needed for building roads and cleaning up car-caused pollution.

I’ve lived in Salem for 9 years and have rarely heard anything from our Transit Board. I’ve never been encouraged to attend a Transit Board Meeting and I haven’t seen a lot of promotion of our bus system.

I want to change this scenario to benefit our community. Here are proposals I will work to implement as YOUR District Board Member:

E Sunday Bus Service

E Increase bus routes so 100% of area residents are within 1/4 mile of a bus stop

E Develop Express Bus Routes for key destinations

E Create a Cherriots Fan Club made up of volunteers who will promote ridership in their neighborhoods and work places

E Post Transit Board meeting schedules in every bus to encourage community participation

E Develop a “Bus Buddy” Program which would pair experienced bus riders with novices to make them more comfortable becoming regular Cherriot riders.

I believe the key to implementing these strategies is through a dramatic increase in person-to-person outreach and publicity. If you agree with these ideas, I’d appreciate your vote.


(This information furnished by Ralph H. “Trey” Smith and is printed exactly as submitted.)

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