Measure 24-93

Arguments in Favor:

We are encouraging you to Vote YES on Woodburn's proposed
additional two cent Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax.

This two-cent fuel tax will yield about $200,000 a year which will be used to
repair Woodburn's streets. The City has already identified a number of streets
which will be repaired first. Drive around Woodburn and you'll see a lot of
streets that are in desperate need of repair. The pavement has worn away and the
streets are turning to gravel.

In the past few years there has been an explosion of growth in Woodburn: more
houses, apartments, businesses, and more cars and trucks using our city streets.
More traffic means streets wear out faster. This additional traffic is hard on our
streets. Some of our streets haven't been repaired since 1962.

We understand that a lot of people who live in Woodburn live on limited incomes
and don't have money to throw away. We don't like taxes either, but this tax is
needed and we believe this is a fair tax, The only people who will pay are
drivers, who pull up to the gas pumps whether they live here or not, people who
use our streets should share the burden keeping our streets repaired. Delaying
repairs will add to the cost. We need to fix our streets before they deteriorate

If you drive 5000 miles a year and get 20 miles to the gallon that equates to
about 250 gallons of gas a year. This means, that if you buy all of your gas in
Woodburn you will only pay an extra $5 a year for gas. That works out to 42
cents a month. 42 cents won't even buy a cup of coffee. What better way to
repair our streets without putting another burden on homeowners. This will also
get revenue from trucks that tear up our streets.

We encourage you to join us in Voting Yes to save Woodburn's streets on
November 4.

(This information provided by Helen L Frazier,
Save Woodburn's Streets Committee)

The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorsement by Marion County nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statements made in the argument. Marion County does not correct errors in spelling or grammar.

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