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Account# M129927 *Use year of event values. For historical values H,YY(Iast 2 digits of year),A. <br /> RMV of Land Non-LSU $0 Enter the "RMV Land Non-LSU"value. (14 Screen*,top left) <br /> Land Special Use LSU $0 Enter the Land Special Use LSU value. (14 Screen*, top right) <br /> Market OSD $0 Enter any Market (RMV) OSD values (when the Special Use value is$0). (L Screen) <br /> SA OSD Special Use $0 Enter the Special Use value of Specially Assessed OSDs. (L Screen) <br /> A Land Only Values (Non-LSU + LSU) $0 This value includes both the Non-LSU (RMV) and any LSU RMV land values. <br /> B RMV of Imps (Non-OSD) before $25,330 This is the RMV Improvement value. (14 Screen*,top left) <br /> Destroyed RMV of Imps (Non-OSD) $25,330 Enter the total of destroyed (Non-OSD) Improvements RMV. <br /> Destroyed Market OSD RMV $0 Enter the total of destroyed RMV of Market OSDs <br /> Destroyed SA OSD Special Use $0 Enter the total of destroyed Special Use value of Specially Assessed OSDs <br /> Total Destroyed RMV of Imps/OSDs $25,330 This value represents the total value being removed. (RMV of both Market& LSU value) <br /> C RMV of Imps/OSDs after $0 This is the new/updated Imp and OSD RMV minus the removed RMV. <br /> D (Taxable)Values before $25,330 <__= This is before the damages to the taxable value is removed. (A+B) <br /> E AMV(Taxable)Values after $0 <__= This is the total taxable value after damages. Values minus damages. <br /> F M50 Assd Value before fire/AoG $25,330 <=== M50 Assd Value.This accounts for both RMV and LSU values (14 Screen*, bottom right) <br /> G Value percent of loss. 1.0000 <=== This check verifies that the value reduction would be sufficient <br /> Here given as a factor. to cause a change in the AV. The percent is the decrease in Value. <br /> Particular to this form: "0 - No Chg" -it does not qualify for proration. <br /> This is an attempt to recreate the AoG Tax Proration Calculator and includes step-by-step explanations. <br /> This has been specifically setup for the 2020 Fire and DART member use as needed. <br /> Unlike other calculation which affect MAV, the proration calculation DOES use LSU RMV values. p��� <br /> The fields with <=== are the fields that are needed to fill out the bottom right of the AoG form. P"" <br />