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NOTE 3- BUDGETS AND BUDG.ETARY ACCOUNTING ICONTINU€D1: <br />S. A desiguated grant roxived during the fiscal year will wwmtacxlly incra~ae the budget of the various funds when <br />it is acxepted by the Board of Commissioners. <br />6. Formal budgetary integrati~ is employed as a manaYemeat oontrol device during tbe year for the Gene~ai, Special <br />Rev~ue. Debt Servix, Gpital Project, Entetprise and Internal Servix Funds. ' <br />7. Budgets for t6e Geaual, Special Revenue, Debt Servioa. and C~pital Project Funds are adopted ~ a basis <br />~ oonsistent with generally aocepted acxounting principles (GMP). euoept t6at vacati~ pay is not rxogniud until <br />paid to employees. Budgeta for the Entesprise and Internal Servicx Funds are adopted on a bASis consirteat with <br />GAAP exoept that deprxiati~ and vacstion pay are not recogni~ed. <br />8. Appropriations lapse at tha end of the fiscal yar. <br />9. Budget amouats p~+e~ented in the acoompanYinB financial atatemeats are as otiginally adopted or as ameaded by <br />subsequwt transfers and/or cupplemmtal budgets. <br />TTba Counh' ~P~ ~PPlemeatal budgets aad numerous appropriation traosfers duriag the year. <br />See Note 4 for a reconciliatioa of budgetary amounts W the generally axepted ac~uating principles basis amounts. <br />NOTE 4- RECONCILIATION OF GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES BASIS TO BUDGETARY <br />BASIS: <br />The budget of the County is prepared differently from generally aooepted aocountiag Principles. Th~+efore, the Combined <br />Statemeat of .Revmues, Expe~ndituras aad Changes in Fund Balance~s (Bud~uy Basis) - Budg~ md AMual - All <br />Governmeatal Fund Types is preseated on the budgetary basis, usia~ ~dgetarp e~pendihu+e cxtegories. aad is adjusted to <br />the Combined Statemec-t of Reveaues~ Eapenditures and Changes in Fund Balanoes - AU Govecnmeatal Fund Types. <br />The following is a rxonciliation of We differeaces betweea the bvd~tary bisis and ~e~a~lly aooepted aoc~mting principks <br />basis for the excess of reveaues and other sources over (underj expeaditures and other uaes for the aforemeationed combined <br />financial statements: ~ <br />Special Debt GpiW <br />Genera) Revenue Servioe Project <br />Ezcess of revenues and other sources over <br />(uader) eatpenditures and other ~ses - <br />Generally accepted accounting principles <br />basis <br />Expenditures: <br />Change in vacation pay accural <br />Change in eavironmental liability <br />Ezcess of revenues and ot6er soure~ over <br />(under) expenditures and other uses - <br />Budgetary basis <br />NOTE 5• CASH AND INVESTMENTS: <br />S 362,510 <br />17,'723 <br />80 233 <br />S (2,845,45~ S 642,486 <br />8,052 <br />325.450 <br />a r2.~ 6a2 as6 <br />S 3,045 <br />~ <br />Cash and investments include cash and short-term, highly liquid investmeats that ara both readily convertible to known <br />amounts of cash and so near their maturity that they present insigni6cant risk of changes in value because of changes in <br />interest rates. <br />Marion County pools virtually all funds for investment purposes. Each fund type's portion of this pool is displayed on the <br />combined balance sheet as "Cash and investments." . <br />-17- <br />