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~ _ ~ : .. : . , . _ . . ~ :~ ~,k.,.; <br />MARION COUNTY, OREGON <br />NOTES TO THE COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1993 <br />NOTE 1- SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTIf~G POLICIES: <br />The following is a snmmaty of significant axounting policies utiliud by the County in the proparation of the aocompanying <br />finaacial statemeats.. <br />Basis of Accountina <br />The following fund types are preseated oa the modified accn~al basis of Looouating: <br />Govemmeatsl funds: <br />Geaaal Fund - <br />Special Rev~~u Funds <br />Debt Service Fund <br />Gpital Project Fund <br />Fiduciary funds: <br />Ag~cy Funds <br />Under the modifial accrual basis of acoounting, rev~ues are recogniud whm both measurable and available to finanx <br />cunrat operations. Facpenditures are recognized in the accounting period in which the fund liability is incurned auxpt for <br />the recognition of earned but unpaid vaaitions, which are recorded as axpemditures when they are to. be financed by available <br />resouroes, and ~mmatured interest on ~enl l~g-term debts, whicl~ is recognized when due. <br />Significant ravenues wluch are measurable md available under the modifial acorual basis of ~ntin~ ue as follows: <br />• Property taxes collectod withia sixty days of year-ead. <br />• Fede,ral and state financial assistaace (to the extent that related expardituns which are eGgibla for reimbucsement <br />have baen incurred). <br />• Shared state revenue. <br />TLe governmentai fiwd measurement focus is on determination of financisl position and changes in financial position <br />(soum,es, uses, and balances of financial resources), nther than on net income determinatioa. <br />The County's Agency Funds have measurement focuses in accordance with their purpose. Age,acy Funds are purely custodiat <br />(assets equal liabilities) and do not iavolve the messureme.nt of opentions. <br />The following proprietary fund types at~e presented on the accrual b~sis of acxounting: <br />Entecprise Funds <br />Inteinal Service Funds <br />Under the accrual basis of accounting, roveaues are recorded at the time they are eacned and expeaditures are recorded at <br />the time liabitities are incurred. <br />The measurement focus of the proprietary funds is on determination of net income, financial position and cash flows. <br />T6e bases of accounting described above are in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. <br />Certain reclassifications have been made to prior year balances for the purpose of comparability. <br />-9- <br />