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~ -._~:.~: <br />_ :,.~, <br /> , _ -. >`~.~' Exhibit 5 <br /> MARION COUNTY~ OREGON <br />COMBINED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS <br /> ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES <br /> ' For the year er~ded June 9D, 1993 <br /> <br />~ Totais <br /> Intemal (Memorandum <br /> ~ ce On~v2 . <br />INCREASE (DECREASE7 IN CASH ' <br />AND CASH EDUNALENTS: . <br />Caslt received from operatino <br />aCtivities: <br />Cash received from customers S 16.~2,4&S S 1Z~749.731 ~ 29,642.216 <br />(~eh payments to suppliers for <br />qo0ds and services (12.~8 `„~.58) (8.053~076~ (20.861,634) <br />Caeh payments to employees for <br />serv(ces ry99.15~ (3,598.026~ <br />~ (4.331.181) <br />t~t cash provided by operating . <br />~CHvitles 8.360.772 1.098.629 4,449~401 <br />Cash llows hom noncapital financinp <br />aCtiMI~iBS: ~ <br />OpMBtinp praMs received (199.33~ 33.270 (166.06~ <br />PrcpeKty taxes 172,T~ <br />~~ 172.765 <br />Nrt cash provided by noncapital <br />8nancin~ activities (28;573) 33,270 6,697 <br />Cash Aows trom capital and ~ <br />related financing actfvities: <br />Principal paid on assessments receivable 8,395 8,395 <br />Proceeds from loan 95,ppp 35,ppp <br />Disposition of capital assets ?21,151 221,151 <br />ACquisition of capital assets (327.807j (100,261) (428,06~ <br />Princ~al paid on notes payable ~ (158.961) ' (158,961) <br />Intersst paid on notes payable (136,456) (255,120) (391,576~ <br />Net cash used for capital and <br />~sleted financing activities (614,824) (99,230) (714,054) <br />Cash Nows from investing activities: <br />Interest on investments 340,878 187,402 528,280 <br />LoanS to cther funds (160,126y (160,12~ <br />Nst cash provlded by irnestment <br />s~tivities 180.752 187.402 368,154 <br />Net increase in cash and cash <br />equivalents 2,890.127 1,220,071 4,110,198 <br />Cash a~d cash equivalents at -. <br />beginning of year 10,470,552 • 5,435,924 15,906,476 <br />Cash and cash equivalents at end <br />year $ 13,360,679 S 6,655,995 S 20,016,G74 <br /> (CoMinued on foliowing page) <br />-7- <br />