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EXHIBIT 2 <br />COMBINED STATEMENT OFAEVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES <br />ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES <br />MARION COUNTY~ OREGON <br />For the y~ear eRded June 30, 1993 <br />REVENUES: <br />Taxes: <br />P~operty - current <br />Property - prior years <br />Property - lnterest <br />Timber Severance <br />Franchise <br />Licenses and permits <br />Intergwernmental: <br />Federal <br />State <br />Charges for services <br />Fines and forteitures <br />Foreclosed property prxeeds <br />Interest <br />Oth@f <br />Total revenues <br />° Special Debt Capital <br />General Revenue rvf e Pr ect <br />S 23.985.143 S 380.732 S 2.921,486 S <br />1.493,403 25,769 164.568 <br />11.953 188 1,152 <br />166.432 2.498 <br />118,850 <br />54.959 1,799.057 <br />1,3.93,022 3,837,235 <br />2.572,141 34,452,568 <br />t.842,716 7,481,831 <br />244,814 290.156 <br /> 216.881 <br />418,605 358,025 149.654 6.261 <br />7,628 110,027 <br />32.~9.666 48.955.967 2~636.860 6~261 <br />6,192,971 140,479 <br />1.910,876 23.143.080 <br />22.519.054 7,604.953 <br />944,931 1,735,893 <br /> 18,393,120 <br /> 1,605,847 <br /> 1,555,000 <br /> 438.140 <br /> 1,234 <br /> 3,216 <br />31,567,832 52,623,372 1,994,374 3,216 <br /> <br />403.044 1,370,099 <br /> 142,626 <br />(782,368) (690,77~ <br />(379.324) 821,950 - - • <br /> <br />1.683.740 <br />13,293 <br />168,930 <br />118,850 <br />1.854,016 <br />5,230,257 <br />37.024,709 <br />9,324,547 <br />534,970 <br />216.881 <br />933,545 <br />• ~ ~ ~ee <br />Totals <br />(Memorandum <br />Ontv) <br />a <br /> i ~- <br />DCPENDtTUHES: <br />Current: <br />General government <br />Health and social services <br />Public safety and judiciai <br />Community service <br />Aoads and b~idges <br />Education <br />Debt service: <br />Principal <br />Interest <br />Fiscal agent fees <br />Capital <br />Total expenditures <br />OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USESy: <br />Operating transfers in <br />Proceeds from loans <br />Operating transfers out <br />Total other finanCing sources <br />(uses) <br />Excess of Revenue and Other Sources <br />Over (Under) Expenditures and <br />Other Uses <br />.6,333,450 <br />25,053,956 <br />30.124.007 <br />2.680,824 <br />18,393,120 <br />1.605.847 <br />1,555,000 <br />438,140 <br />1.234 <br />3,216 <br />86,188.794 <br />1,773,143 <br />142.626 <br />(1,473,143) <br />• ~ n c~n~ <br />362,Si0 (2,845,455) 642,486 3,045 (1,837,414) <br />FUND BALANCE. beginning of year 5,199,679 13,128,031 4,813.212 192,606 23,333,528 <br />FUND BALANCE, end of year ~ 5,562,189 S 10,282,576 t 5,455,698 S 195,651 S 21,496,114 <br />The ~otes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statemeM. <br />-3- <br />