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Courthouse Square <br />Budget Assumptions <br />February 4, 1998 <br />a. TD: Original Design - 28% of actual expenses paid on Original Project design. <br />Redesign - 6% of actual construction hard costs from SAMTD estimate of 1/9/98. <br />Reimbursables - SAMTD budget based on 28% of estimated total reimbursables. <br />Streetscape - 42% of 6% of A/E fees for Streetscape design expense - Pence Kelly <br />est 9-18-97. <br />Mall Design Pre-planning - Actual expenses for SAMTD pre-planning. <br />Mall Design Final Design - SAMTD budget estimate. <br />Co: Estimates based on original design cost sharing formula of 72%, minus direct <br />charges to SAMTD. <br />b. TD: Other Consultants - Estimated 28% building commissioning and other consulting <br />services. <br />Co: Plan reproduction - 72% of estimated $20,000. <br />Cost Estimating - 72% of $12,392.60 estimated cost from Arbuckle Costic letter <br />dated 2/4/98. ($24,785.20 total: $12,392.60 included in (a) and remaining <br />$12,392.60 split between County and Transit District). <br />c. TD : Fee - 28% of $437,500 project management fee. <br />Reimbursables - Negotiated share of actual expenses, not to exceed $25,000. <br />Co: $235,000 Co pays all; $462,500 Co pays 72%; budgeted as one category amount. <br />d. TD: Original Design - 28% of actual Value Engineering expense. <br />Co: Cost estimates based on original design cost sharing formula of 72%. <br />e. TD: Redesign - 28% of NTE $70,000 Value Engineering expense. <br />Contractor Bond - 28% Per Melvin Mark 11-14-97 estimates. <br />Fees & Insurance - 28% Per Melvin Mark 11-14-97 estimates. <br />Co: Cost estimates based on original design cost sharing formula of 72%. <br />f. TD: Fee - 28% of actual settlelment of $360,000. <br />Reimbursables - 28% of actual reimbursable expense. <br />Co: 72% of settlement, plus negotiated share of actual expenses. <br />g. Co: $69,777 paid to date; $30,223 future estimated expenses. <br />h. TD: Estimate from TD budget 1-9-98. <br />i. Co: 50% of salary for Project Coordinator and assistant starting 7-1-98 for 18 months. <br />j. Co: $38,607 paid to date; $16,393 future estimated expenses. <br />