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0?/201199E. 09:~7 5032E94145 <br />JUN-10-D8 OB:13A~ fRO~- <br />RS CLEMENTS PAGE 63 <br />503-221-1560 T-535 P.03/Ol F-303 <br />~ fivz-~ory effice buiidix~ will be locazed at the south end of the block. <br />Approxiir~ately 90% of the office wi]1 bc occupied up~n camplecion. Tenarns witl <br />includr Mazion Cow3ty, which will occupy agpro.~ci~r,ate}y 9g,036 rentable sc}uarc <br />feet ("rsP'} of o$ice and Traruit, which will occupy spproxunately 24,3U6 rsfof <br />offce/customer,ervice operations/retail space. Additionally, the owriers will share <br />an approximateiy 5,29~ rsf canference center. <br />It is anticipated that the building will also have approximately 13,633 rsf of <br />speculative space ~t vviU evernual]y accommadate the County's long-term <br />expansion need,. <br />The Projecc will have a subsurface parkir:g icvc} tbat runs apprd~cirnately 93,272 <br />gsf under the office bui~ciin~ and transit ma11. The patking Ievei wYI! contain 258 <br />stalls which wiIi be sl~are by owners and fucure tcnsrtrs. <br />The bus maU, sicirwalks and ather public areas around tke Project w~l have <br />upgradcd finishes in the farm of pavers, covered wallcs, ben~hes anr} plsncers, The <br />oPfce buitding wi~ be cony-tructed on an elevated slab. Con~mu.-~ian will be vf <br />posc tensioned conczcu with a red brick e~eterior. Puached windows wiil run along <br />ihe Ics~~rh of each building f~.ce with sorae featw~e bay wiudaws at che fronc and <br />sidc cntrances. The P~ject cturemly refleGts a twQ-story lobby spsce, w~ich wili <br />pzovide scparate acces~ to the public (transit) and privat~ {office) components of <br />the deyelopment. <br />The Own~r3 hav~ re~tainetl Ivielvin Mark Developmeni Cv, as dcv+~lopmcnt <br />consuhant thongh pian deveiopn~nt and us coascruecion ma~ag~r durins the <br />consiruction phsst. <br />Financin~~ <br />The proposad financing w~,i finance tt~ Caunry's poaion ofthe Projeet_ Transic's <br />por~ion is fully fuiuied. T7ye County anticipates uzili2ing Crrtificatcs of <br />~articipation to financ;~ its poninn of the Project. The Cer[ifira~es of Par~icipation <br />re~resent uridivided uneresc in the Coumy's obligaiion ro makc ptincipal and <br />interest payments uader the Indenture and Lhe Financing Agreemeni. Thz <br />Coun~y's Ubligation to n~slce such principal ar~d inTacst paytncnrs is Iimited to <br />amannu du]y appropriaced each ~scal year hy the Counry Commission (rhat ss~ the <br />obli~ation ~ subject w annuai appropriation). The Couniy's Qbligations under che <br />Indrnrurc and Financiug A~raeanent are sccurcd hy s firsc asonga$e on thz <br />Courny's conr3omini;un intezest zn the praject. Bond Counsel in this trsnssccion is <br />Mr. Edward Einowski, Esq, of Stoel Rives> LLP flf Portlarsd, Orrgon <br />Counhou~e Squar~ - Underwtirer RPp ? <br />