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Conformance to Core Area Master Plan <br />Court Street: The Plan identifies Court Street as "the primary pedestrian connection between <br />the Riverfront Park, Downtown and the Capitol Ma11." "In the future, Court <br />Street, from Commercial Street to the Capitol Ma11, should be redesigned to <br />create a wider sidewalk (18-22 feet) where possible on the north side of the street, <br />without impacting tr~c circulation or on-street parking." <br />Courthouse Square will allow for the redevelopment of the north side of Court <br />Street. The designs are compatible with the Court Street Perspective, figure 4.5. <br />Sidewalks will be widened and landscaped, with a pedestrian focus, providing an <br />east-west connection to the Riverfront and to the Courthouse on the south side of <br />the street. The use of Streetscape funds will be of great assistance in completing <br />this project. The estimated cost is $500,000 per block face. <br />High Street: The Plan encourages a"strong north-south access route" and suggests that "an <br />improved pedestrian orientation will help provide connections to the Proposed <br />Transit Center." <br />Courthouse Square makes a strong effort in its design to blend vehicle, transit <br />and pedestrian needs. Wide sidewalks, a pedestrian plaza, an east-west transit <br />center orientation and proper signalization, in conformance with city traffic <br />standards, will provide optimum useability of the space. <br />Parking: The Plan suggests that parking policy options include: <br />• Building new parking structures in conjunction with other public buildings <br />such as a conference center or performing arts center. <br />• Consider public-private joint ventures for parking solutions to support <br />private development projects, including new housing projects. <br />• Include ground floor retail requirements for parking structures to maintain <br />the urban fabric. <br />Courthouse Square will provide an underground pa.rking structure for 259 <br />vehicles. Meetings with the City Parking Board on this project have encouraged <br />the county to provide as much off-street parking as possible. The project is a <br />unique public-private venture. The number of parking spaces provided has been <br />driven by the owner's need to minimize the impact of employee/tenant paring on <br />other downtown businesses while balancing the financial feasibility of the project. <br />Ground floor retail space is provided in the Courthouse Square office building <br />and, in addition, the north pad private development component contains space for <br />