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From: ELYN LYON <br />To: MHansen <br />Date: 6/30/97 12:04pm <br />Subject: Purchase Orders for 1997/98 - Miller 8~ Nash <br />If we are using Miller & Nash services for environmental law and they present an invoice to be paid it is going to get <br />held up while we get a contract with them. <br />If you need help in putting this together, let me know. I will be the bad guy who says, "No contract - no check". <br />I would hope the contract stays under $25,000 so we can process it by department review. It is more than that it <br />will have to be on BOC agenda. <br />~~°I 1 <br />~ ~~~~~~ <br />C~~~~ ~~ <br />~ <br />~ ~~ ~ <br />//~~~1 _ ~~~~ <br />r' E <br />~W'~6~( l''~/~~~Ci~Li~c-~ ~/ <br />~~ <br />~ <br />