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;~,rRELOCATiON BF.NEFIT SUMMA-F `~•+~'' <br />(Residential) <br />Name: ~ ` ~ ~ t, m ~ n <br />~ r~~ ~~ <br />project: <br />Agency: <br />k'arcel A~: <br />The fallowing checked 'tte.nos ace those relocation benefits which you and your family members may b~ <br />eligible fur ander current state and federal relacation Iaws and regulativns. <br />~ l. Relocatioo Advlsory Assistance; To help you locate a replacement dwelling unit. Should you <br />desire, we caa prvvide trsnsportation fior you to inspect available housing. <br />C~ 2. A Mavfng Payment: Ta compensate you for aclual costs of moving your persoaal property, or <br />~ you may claim s S~ if you move your owa persanal property. <br />~ 3. Rent Supplement: You are entid~d to a rent supplement not ta exceed ~~. 'i'he amount <br />you accually pay to rent a comparable dwelling or the amount determined by tha Renta~ Study <br />whichever is less, will determine the atnount you reccive. Tp receive any ~f this henefit, the rent <br />oa your esplacement living unit must be ~ 7~ or ma,~e per month, plus utilities. Y~ur rent <br />supplement is based on the following compaza~ile dwelling which has, ~ has not bee~n <br />inspectad to detercnine if it meets the criteria for decent, safe, and sanitary housing. <br />Address: l~ ~: ~ ~ m K'n ~¢- ~- ~,~Q-' <br />^ 4. A Reptacx,nent Housing Payment: You are entitled to a R~placement Housing Payment of up <br />to $~ . This is the amount, if any, which when added to the amount you az~e paid for <br />your dwelling, will equal the actual cost you are required to pay far a decent, safe and sa~nitary <br />dwelling, or the amount d~tcrmined hy the agency necessary f~r you tu purchase a c;ompaxable <br />dweliing, whichever is less, in addition to which, you may claim the incidental clasing expens~s <br />and payment for the additianal inter~st c:ost nec;essary to tinance your replacement dwelling. Your <br />Replacemsnt Housing Payment is based on the folt~wing dwelling which bas, _ has not <br />been inspected to determine if it meets the criteria f~or Decent, Safe and Sanitary Hausing. <br />Address: _ _ . <br />0 5. Downpa'mc~t Benet{t: Tenant accupant of 9Q Days or more: If you choose to buy a <br />replacement dwe{t'Ing, Washit~.gton County will pacticipace with you in a dpwnpayment ~nnd <br />cfQSing evsts up to ~ .'The County will pac[icipate up to tha amount shawn above or the <br />amount requir~d as the downpayment and closing costs on the dwetling you actually purchase, <br />whichever is less. <br />~ 6. Ibwnpeyment Benet[t: Owner occupant of between 40 days and 180 daye. If yau purcbas~ <br />a r~placement dwelling, the will participate with yuu in a <br />downpayment and closing costs up to S _ The wi11 <br />participatB up to the amount shown abave or t}xe amount required as the downpayment and <br />closing costs on the dwelling you purchas~, whic;hever is less. <br />^ 7. You are NOT ENT1'I'LED to the reloc:ation ben~fits listed abc~va. A reviow of this acquisition <br />I af 2 Huuu, McPJdowoey k A~wcialei (303) 297-95RR <br />Appniul • Nepdiatian • Rdoc~tioa • S~ditt <br />