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~ ~ <br />Bond No.U2780945 <br />PERFORMANCE BOND <br />F~70W ALL I~.El~ BY TFi~SE PRES~,NTg, that we <br />FOSS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES <br />as PrinCipal, and UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY <br />, a Corporation duly <br />authorized to do g~ncral Surety businees in Oregan, as <br />Surety, are jointly and severally h~ld and bound unto Marion <br />County, a Political of tiie State of Oregoa, the <br />Obligec herein, ~,n the sum of ~'IFTY .rGH HO TSANn FIFTY NINE AND 60/100 <br />Dollars ($ 58, 059. 60 ), for the paym~cnt of which we <br />jointly and sevexally bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, <br />administrators, suceessors and assigns, firm].y by these <br />presents: <br />THE CQNDITION OF THIS BOND ZS SIICH THAT, WHEREAS, <br />(Contractor) <br />FOSS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES <br />the Principal herein, on the _~th day af october <br />, 19~, entered into a Contr~ct with Marian Couaty, a <br />PoliGical subdivision of the Statc of Oregon, whicb Contract <br />together with the Drawings, Plans, Specifications, and <br />Gcnexal Provisions are attached h~r~to and by this refererice <br />madc a paxt hereof as if set forth in full herein, <br />NOW, TIiEREFORE, if the Principal herein ahal~ fai.thfully and <br />truly observe and cortply with the terms, conditions and <br />provisions of the said ContracC, in all reapects, and shall <br />weJ,l and truly and fully do and perform all matters and <br />things by him undertaken to be performed under said <br />ContrACt, upon the terms set forth ther~in, and within the <br />time psescribed thereia, or exteaded as provided in the <br />applicable Plans and Specifications, arid shall ind.emnify and <br />save harmless Maribn County Board ot Commiasioners, its <br />oEf.icers, employees and agents against any direct or <br />ir~d.ireat damages of every kind at~d descriptiion that shall be <br />suffered or be suffercd in connection with or <br />arisiag out of the performancc of the said Contract by the <br />3aid Contractor er his Subcontractors; and shall make <br />payment promptly, as due, to all Subcontractors and to al]. <br />persons supplying to the Contractor or his 9ubcentracCOxs, <br />equiprnent, supplies, l.abor or mater.ials for the proeecution <br />of the wozk, or any part therecf; shall pay na less than the <br />prevailing wage rate, as o~ the date of bid, ss set fortb in <br />ORS 279.348 through 279,356. provided for in said Contract, <br />and shall pay all . <br />