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PA~'MEN'TS UNDER THE POLICY <br />A In the event that, on the second Busu~ess Day, and again on the Business Day, prior to the payment date on the Obligations, the Paying <br />P~gent has not ~eceived s~aent moneys m pay ali principal of and interest on the Obligarions due on the second following or followir-g, as the r.ase <br />Busness Day, tl~e Paying Agent shall unmediately notify d~e Insurer or its desgnee on the same Business Day try telephone or tele~h, <br />co in writing by registe~ed or cert~ed mail, o~the amount of the deficieucy. <br />B. ff the deficiency is made up in whole or in part prior to or on the payment date, the Paying Agent shall so notify the Insurer or its designee. <br />C. In addition, if the~'ayuig Agent has notice tbat any Bondtioldes bas been req~u~ed m-disgorge PaymenLs of Prinapal or inte~st on the <br />Obli~tion to a tiusoee :n Banim~tcy or creditors or ott~ers pursvant to a final judg~nent by a oo~t of comp~ent j~uisdiction that such payment <br />constihrt~es an avoidable pref~ m such Bondholder within tbe meaning o~ any applicable banl~uptcy laws, then the Paying Agent shall no~fy ~e <br />In~uer or its designee of such fact by tslephone or ~legraphic notice, wnfira~ed in writing by re~ed or ce~fied ma~1. <br />D. The Paying Agent is hereby irrevocabty de.d~ated, appointed, di~ and airthorized tn ad as attomey-in fact for Holders af the <br />Obligations asfollaws: <br />1. If and to the ea~ent thece is a defiaency in amouirts ~equired w pay i~ on the Obligations, the Paying Agent shall (a) ex~e <br />and deliver to Stabe Stxeet Bank and Tn~st Company, N.A, or its sucoessors under tl~ Policy (L6e "Ins~uanoe Paying Agent'~, in furm <br />~ry ~ the 7nsucance Paying Agec~ an insliumeut appoinr~n the Insluer as agent for such HaIde~ in any legal Proceeding ielated to <br />the paymeut a~ su~h inteaest and an assignmen~t b~ tbe Insiurr of the daims fur i~ to ovhich s~rch ~ency relates anfl which aie paid <br />bY tl~ InRUer, (b) ~eive as designee af the re~tive Holdecs (and n~ot as Paying Ageat) in accordance with the ten~or of d~e Policy <br />pay~t from the Instuance Paying Agent with ~espect to the ciaims for int~t so assigned, and (c) di~ the same m such r~spective <br />Holde~ and <br />%. If and to the exteat af a deficie~q in amoim.ts ~ to pay prinapal o~ ~e Obligations, the Paying Ageut st~aall (a) exear~ and <br />deiiver ro~ the Ins~ance Paying Ageat in form sarisFacmry to the insurance Paying Ageat an insGn~ a~pointing the I~uurer as agent ivr <br />s~ch Holder in anY legal Proc~ding relating to the payment of svch prinapal and an assignmeat to the Ins~uEr of any of the Obligaiion <br />siuiendec~d to the Insucanoe Paying agent a~ ~o ~ch of the principal amocmt t~f as has not pleviousty been paid or far wluch moneys <br />. aie not held by the Paying Agent and ava~7able for such payment (birt such assignnneut shall be delive~d only ~paymeirt fivm the Insuianrx <br />Paying Agent is reaeived), (b) i~oeive as de.sig~ee of the resp~ive Holdezs (and not as Paying Agent) in accondance wi~ the tenor of the <br />Policy payment therefur fr~om the Insurance Paying Agen~ and (c) disburse the same tn such Holdeis. <br />Paymems with ~spect to c3aims for i~ on and principal of Obligations distnused by the Paying Agent fram proceecis of the Policy <br />s6a11 not be consi~xed bo discbaige tbe obligation of the ~SSUer with r~t to such Obligations, and the Inszuer shatl become tt~e owner of such <br />uIIpaid Obligation and claims for the i~ in acxordance with the tenor o~ the assignime~ made ~o it under t}~e provisions of this ~fln or <br />otl~+ise. . <br />F. Ir~ve of whether any sach assgnment is ex~ and delive~ the ~SSUer and t~e Paying Agent he~Y a~e for the beiiefit of the <br />Insuter t6at <br />1. T~y ~ecognize that tio the e~deut t~e Insuirr makes payments, diiecxEY or indi~Y ~~ bY PaY~g ~~ ~~ Agent), on <br />aocount o~prin~apai a~ or in~ on the Obligations, .i~e Ins~uer will be subrogabed to ~e rights of such Holders to reoeive tbe amount of <br />s~ch principal and in~st fivm the ~SSi~r, with inte~rst th~seon as• provided and solely frnm the souroes s~aied in this Indennffe and ~e <br />Obligations; and - <br />2. They will aoco~ingty pay to the Ins~uer tk~ ama~mt a~f such principal and inb~st (i~ding Princ~al and in~ ieoove~ed under <br />~h Cu) of the fust paragragh nf the Policy, which princ~al and in~ sUall be de.e~ past ~e and not bo bave beeu paid), wirh <br />in~st the~on as provided in diis I~e and t~e Obligation, birt onty from the sau~es and in the manner provided herein fur the <br />payn~nt of principal of aIId ~ on the Obligafions to Holders, and will otherwise ~eat the Insurer as ~e ovvner of such rigbis m the <br />amaunt o~such principal and i~terest. . <br />G. In connedion with the issuance of additional Obligations, the Issuer shall deliver to the I~er a capy af ~e disclos~ue dQa~ment, ~ an3', <br />carailaned with ~ tr~ suc:h additional Obligations. <br />- H Copies of any ame~ments made to the ~oau~ exe~rted in oonnecrion with the is~anoe of tho Obligarions which aze con~ to by <br />~e Insuier si~all be sent t~ Standard & Pooi's Cotpocarion. <br />L T~e Ins~uer st~al~ ~eive notice of the msgnation or removal af the Paying Agent and the a~poi~ of a s~oessor tl~ceto. <br />J. Tt~e In.s~uer shall receive aspies of all notioes nquiiEd tio be deliveced to Bondt~olders and, on an anIIUal basis, oo~pies of the ~s audi~ <br />statemeirts and Annual Budgex. <br />oaces: ?,~r notice tbat is requi~ed tn be aven tu a holder a~ the Obligation or to the Paying Agec~t P~ tA the I~u~ s~all a]so be <br />pmvided bo t~e Insiurs. AII notices required to be given to the Insu~r under the Indeniure shall be in writing and shall be sent by ngstemd or <br />oert~ed ma~1 addiessed to MBIA Insurance CorQoratioa, 113 King St~t, Armonk, New Yo~c 10504 Aitention: Sucveillance. ' <br />