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Salem Area Mass Transit District <br />Courthouse Square <br />PROPERTY ACQUISITION <br />Purpose: The purpose of the property acquisition analysis is to establish the <br />reasonable basis for the purchase of an undivided 42% ownership <br />interest in the real property described as Block 5, SALEM, Marion <br />County, Oregon ("Courthouse Square Block") by the Salem Area Mass <br />Transit District from Marion County. The combined County-Transit <br />District ownership of the real estate provides the foundation for the <br />development of the Courthouse Square Project consisting of a transit <br />mall, transit facilities and offices, County offices and the opportunity for <br />transit related private development. The joint ownership provides the <br />basis for joint development of the property, joint occupancy of the <br />property, and the sharing of expenses of demolition, abatement, <br />relocation and unfunded streetscape requirements. It also provides the <br />basis for revenue sharing of rentals associated with the opportunity site. <br />Principles: The purchase of an ownership interest in the real estate is premised on <br />the fact that the Transit District should not purchase an asset which is <br />not dedicated to transit use. Thus, the Transit District should <br />demonstrate that not less than 42% of the usable space within the <br />development will be owned by the Transit District and devoted to transit <br />or transit related use. If the Transit District will own and occupy at least <br />42% of the usable space, then the Transit District will have acquired <br />what it has paid for. <br />Analysis: The total usable square footage of the proposed development is <br />214,979.51 square feet. This includes a 66,824 square foot bus mall, <br />together with all office space and common areas including a plaza. The <br />Transit District will own 25,028.93 square feet within the office building, <br />excluding common areas, out of a total of 127,339.71 square feet of office <br />space in the office building. The Transit District's share of the office <br />space in the building is then 19.6552453%. The Transit District will own <br />an undivided interest in the common areas equal to 19.6552453%. <br />Applying this percentage to the total common areas of 20,815.80 square <br />feet gives the Transit District's share of common areas: 4,091.40. Adding <br />the Transit District's office space (25,028.93), transit mall (66,824) and <br />common areas (4,091.40) gives the total Transit District ownership <br />interest in the development: 95,944.33 square feet. <br />The Transit District's percentage ownership of the usable space is <br />therefore 95,944.33/214,979.51, or 44.62%. This means that the Transit <br />District has not purchased more of an undivided interest in the real <br />estate than is necessary, given its occupancy of the proposed <br />development. <br />The analysis excludes the parking level. The parking is excluded because <br />it will be constructed entirely by the County at its expense, and will be <br />owned by the County. The Transit District does not believe that the <br />Property Acquisition <br />Courthouse Square <br />06/24/98 <br />Page - 1 <br />