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Logan Bldgs: (3) Location.• Center Street Facility - 3040, 3050 & 3060 Center Street NE <br />History: Built 1979 - 1980 <br />Square Footage: 11,400 s.f. Gross 10,998 s.f. Net <br />(3,800 s.f./unit) (3,666 s.f./unit) <br />Descnption: Constructed of lig/at gage steel studs and slteetroc% tlaese 3 buildings <br />have undergone extensive abuse in previous years when used for <br />mini~~zu»t securiry and detox. Use of these buildings as drag out- <br />patient, alcohd detox or Juvenile programs will bring buildtngs to <br />t/zeir useful life expectuncy within [he next 20 years. - <br />Occupancy/Use: 3040 - Leased to Harmony House as Detox/Rehab <br />3050 - Leased to Hamiony House as Detox/Re{1ab <br />3060 - Corrections Pm~ole/Probation <br />