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a <br />U~T ELEANiJP ~1~f~GRAM - CQST ~C(IVEItY <br />Since Oregon began a~idministering the federal leaking underground storage tank (US'1~ program in 1988, over <br />6400 petroleum r~eleases have been reported to the Departmerrt of Environmental QualitY (DE~• <br />Approximately 2000 of these releases (sites) have been cleaned up, leaving over ~{4U0 active sites. As DEQ <br />must focus it's efforts on environmental priorities, (e.g. sites with significant groundwater contamination), maay <br />of tkese sites are simply not boing adciressed by DEQ and are becoming part of a growing b~cklog of sit~e.s <br />needing c~sure, or "no fiuther action" lctters from DEQ. <br />Federal funding for Oregon's UST Cleatiup Program provides a minimum (core) program to carry out the <br />federal requirements, as well as the Oregon public and legislative mandate to protect human health, safety and <br />~e environment from lealdng peholeum USTs. The bulk of these resources are spent on high priority sites. <br />Federal and state law also require that DEQ recover all rea.sonable costs associated with a cleanup project, <br />including our oversight costs. <br />Because of the very lazge number of sites ne~ding cleanup and DEQ ovexsight, a prioritization sy~tem is necded <br />to adequately address these sites and make b~st use of limited DFQ sta,#~ resources. This system creates t~u+ee <br />categories of sites. Tl~ey are: 1) hi,gh envimnmental priori~y sites, 2) responsib~e party priority sites and 3) <br />res~onsible pa~ty cleanup without DF,Q oversigtrt. <br />HIGH ENVIRONMENTAL PRIORITY SITES - WE CONTACT YOU <br />If your site is a lugh envimnmental prio~ity, you can expect to heaz from us. As mentioned above, DEQ is <br />focusang its limited resources primarily on t~iose sites presentieg the greatest ~sk to human health, safety and <br />the enviranmen~ To make tfiis det~rmmation, DEQ uses a prioritization sysxem to determine the risk the site <br />poses. As one high priority site is completed or is determined to be a lower environmental priority, the next <br />highest priority site is select~d for work. Currenfly, DEQ oversight and payment of oversight costs is done <br />inforr~mlly without any written ag~+eement betvveen the responsible party and DEQ. For these sites, as long as <br />the cleanup is progressing and the responsible party continues to pay our oversight costs, no change in this <br />an~ngement will occur. ~or sites where the infoRnal arrangement is not working, DEQ may require the <br />responsible party to conduct cteanup and enter into a formal agreement with DEQ as part of an enforcement <br />action. When a site is no loager a h~gh environinental priority, DEQ may decide not to actively provide <br />ov~rsight. A rssponsible p~riy can reqtlest that D,~Q continue providing oversi~ht by signing a voluntary <br />agreemen~ 'i'he agreemextt wiil allow us to ~o~e effectively sehedule our reso~es. <br />RESPONSIBLE PARTY P~IURITY SITES - XOU CONTACT US <br />This option is being set up for those responsible parties who wish to proceed wtth cleanup and need DEQ <br />s~gnoff (e.g. to sell th~eir property, obtain financing or insurance, etc.). The responsible party must sign a <br />voluntary agc~ement requesting DEQ oversight and agrce to ~y ov~rsight costs. The signed agreemeat should <br />be sent to the appmpriate regional office. These sites are handled on a first come, first serve basis and there <br />may be a waiting list. The agreem~nt is used as a taol for assigning sites to a project manager for review. Not <br />signing the agreement does not release you from an obligation to pay oversight costs or conduct cleanup. A"no <br />fiuther acxion" l~ter will be issued when all regulatory requirements have been me~ <br />