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(;!)4.{..92.3(;. (l~enring.~ u.~od herein nrc I)nsed upon Lhe North <br /> <br />.F,X¢)It;PTINCk l~eghminff n~ .q Imi,I. on i, be N~rl,l~ line of Mnrkot R,nd N,. <br />said point nlso lyin~ Sm~t.h 89° B0' We~t, (;TG.Sd reel; ami Soutt~ 0° 15' <br />24fi(i. I0 fee~ fi'om the Nmq, hen~ corner er Lbo Allen ,1. Dnvis l)onn~ion i.,nnd <br />Otnim No. (56 hi Tewlmhip 8 ~ot~t,h, I~alnge I Wc~ Of the Willame~l:e Meridimx <br />iu Mnrkm Coutt~y. ()re~m; :llld i'ltllllillff thence Nort:h 7~)" 27' 15" Wcsi: nlong <br />~nid North llne n di~tnnce of 200,00 foe~; I;henct~ N~>rth 0" 15' O0'WesE ~177.62 <br />fize~ Lo the South lilm or SI,nt.e I lighwny No. ~2; the-ce Sou~h 53~ 03' 00" <br />24&B5 ibeX; themx~ ~md.h 00 15' 00" En~l', 2~;5.9(; [cq~l. tz~ thc ~r~se pl~cc <br /> <br />i,;XIIIIWI' {; <br /> <br />I$cginning at :t point which is 1178.10 feet ,tlouth 88° 55' l~;ast [rom thc <br />Northwest corner of i, he Allen ,I, l)nvie l)mmtion l,nnd Claim No_ (;6, in <br />Town~hip 8 South, Ii:rage i West of tlm WillnmeLtc Merid.inn, Mnrion <br /> <br />certain tract or In,,d eo,w y ,d S..I. ()gle and I)orn Ogle by deed recorded in <br />Volume 224, Pngc IG, Mnrion County I)c~d I{ecord~; alsd running thence <br />8outh 88° ~0'.l;ia.q~ 279,50 reel. ix) n point in thc ~ott~hcrly right-oLway line of <br />t;he North Santiam Highway; t. honce &milt 54' 42' Enat, along 8aid right-o¢ <br />way line, 1234.63 feet t,o nn iron r~; thence South 35' ~8' West .10.00 feet I;o <br />an iron rod; thence South 5d" ,12' E:mt, continuing ;l{ong s~1id ~ight-ogwny <br />line, 174 I. 18 feet to :m iron pipe i~ the East {ine of tha~ certnin ~rae¢ of laud <br />convoyed to Nick P. {{romor ~lllt{ l?r:lllUO8 Kromer by deed recorded in Volmne <br />304, Pnge 425, Mar/on (~nt~t~l.y Deed l~co,'d~; thence gouth 00° Id' [~:I.L, <br />:dong said East linc, 688.48 reot t.o n point in thc ccnterlino O~ Market Rend <br />No. 29; thence North 73° 5fi' West, nlong enid COtltorl{l~e, 2814.00 feet ~o the <br />Southeast corner of I,l{o snid Ogle Trnct; thm{~ North O0~ 0~' West l. Gdg.00 <br /> <br />Page :L [~n~omonl, - 95-24 I,~)-Norlh .qnnl,inm Volleer Inc. <br /> <br /> <br />