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ZNV~TAT~ON TO ~ZD <br />~etrolt ~lemen~ary ~c~qool <br />District !233 <br />P.O. Box 500 <br />Detroit, Or 97342 <br /> <br />8~DOER: <br /> <br />PAGE 16 <br /> <br />award and execution of the contract, the lowest responsible <br />bidder's/apparent successful pr0ooser~s financial responsibility <br />to perform1 th~ c0ntrac%. Submi~si0n of a sis~ed bid/proposal <br />shall constitute'appro~ai for the School District to obtain any <br />credit report informatio~ the school District deems necessary to <br />conduct the evaluation. 7he School District shall notify the <br />lowest responsible bidder/apparent successful proposer, in <br />writiu~ of any other documentation r~quired, which may include, <br />but ~aed not be limited t0. recent profit-and-loss history~ <br />ourrcmt balance ~%atcm~nt~i a~sets.-to-lia~iiities ~abiu, <br />iocludin~ ~umber and amount o~ secured versus unsecured creditor <br />claims: availaDilit¥ of short and lono-term ¢inancin$: bondi~O <br /> <br />this ' = ~' ' '~ - <br /> l~,orma=lon sna_L~ result in bid/propoaal rejection. <br /> <br />The School District may Dostoone the award or execution of the <br />contract after announcement of the lowest responsible <br />bidder/apparent succe~sfu! prooosev in order to complete its <br />~nv~sti~e~ion and ev~iuation. FRiiur~ of the lowest rcoponsi~le <br />bidder/~pparent successful proposer to demonstrate financial <br />responsibilitw, as r~quired under OAR 125-30-003~ shall render <br /> <br />for bid/proposal rejection, as recuired under OA~ i37-30-100. <br /> <br />I, %he undersigned duly authorized representative of the bidder <br />{propoeer}~ understand that the bid {proposal} must be si~ned in <br />ink bY the bidder {proposer} or an authorized representative of <br />the bidder {proooser} and that any a!teration~ or erasures must <br />b~ initialed im ink by the perso~ si~nin~ the bid {proposal}. <br />Further, i acknowledge that I have read and understand all bid <br />{prooosal} insttucti0ns~ specifications, terms and eohditions <br />{iu¢ludin~ the attachments in~icated above and ag~ee~ on behalf <br />O~ myself and the bi~d~- {p'¢omo~e~) Lo be bound bY them. <br /> <br />!, the undersigned duly authorized representative of the bidder <br />{mroposer) certify that the i~o~mation provided in thi~ bid <br />{PrOPOsal) is true and accurate. Further, I understand and <br />acknowledge that previdin~ incorrect or incomplete information <br />maw be cauee for bid {proposai} re3ection or contract. <br />termination. <br /> <br /> <br />