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CITY o f D ETR'O IT <br /> P.O. 8ox 589 Detroit, Oregon 97342 * (503)854-3496 <br /> <br />J'ard_~ary ;I, 4,, 1993 <br /> <br />Guy Harpe~- II, P~-esider, t <br />Califc, l,'r~ia Investors Ce~-p,"_,l.-at~,_-,r, <br />507 Califc,~'r, ia Ave. $~209 <br />Sar, ha Mer, ica~ Ca. 9040S <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Ha~pe~.% <br /> <br />As pe~' c,u~~ 'telepher~e cor~versa'bien c,n Jard_~a~-y 8.~ <br />letter; the city cc, uracil ag~-eed by v,:,te te the follc, wir~g; <br /> <br />Sir, ce you stated ir~ your Nc, vcember letter~ <br />mubdivisior, will be establishecl; the City ,:,'F Oetrc, it <br />weuld like to quit claim deed the preperty <br />designated, Harper D~ve ar, d Harper Way~ back <br />Califorr, ia Ir, vestors Cerperati,;,n. <br /> <br />Yc, u wc, uld be all,z, wed t,;, ir, gress ar, d eg~'ess the <br />p~',:,perty frem Hill 5tre~t~ with twe d~iveways ar, d <br /> <br />You will be executir, g a quit claim deed to, that <br />port it, r, ,:,f Mc, ur prc, perty that is c,r, G,_~ymC,,C,l.-e Drive.? <br />tc, the City c,f Detrc, it. <br /> <br />8, 1992~ yeu said that y,s,u wanted to, sell two parcels ef y,;,,jr <br />land and keep a third parce.~l f,=,~ y,z,,.~rself. In ye,.Ir letter c,'F <br />Jar, uary ~ 199G yc, u ~efe~er~ce the sales c,f y,r,u~~ p~c, pe~by as: <br />a few pa~-cmls; please clarify yeur ir~tent fc, r the r, umber of <br />lc, ts or pa~eel you ir, ter, d t,_-, sell. <br /> <br /> The city ~,=,,.Ir~cil will be releasir, g ttne In,_-,ld or, the <br />~z, eptie site evaluatic, r,, for 220 Hill up,;,r~ receipt ,],'f qu:it <br /> <br /> The city cour, cil will deed the st~'eets back to, y,_-.,u when <br />you clarify yeur ir, ter, tic, r,s with the p~,'_',perty. <br /> <br />Sir, cerely, <br /> <br /> Oc,rm, ie [']ricks,:,r,~ Mayor <br />I)CC/mr, h <br /> <br /> <br />