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The land which is used for park purposes shall be <br />surrounded except a~ entry and ~exit places, by a <br />sight-obscuring fence or hedge not less than six (6) <br />feet in height. The fence or hedge shall be maintained <br />in s neat appearance. <br /> <br />If the park prowides"spaces for twenty-five (25) or <br />more mobile home units, each vehicular way in the park <br />shall be named and marked with signs which are similar <br />in appearance to those used to identify public streets <br />in the city. A map of the named vehicular ways shall <br />be provided to the Fire Department. <br /> <br />If a mobile home space or permanen= structure in the <br />park is more than three hundred (3~) feet from a <br />public fire hydrant, the park shall have water supply <br />mains designed tO serve fire hydrants and fire hydrants <br /> <br />shall be provided within three hundred (300) feet of <br />such space or structure. Each hydrant within a park <br />shall be located on a vehicular way and shall conform <br />in design and capacity to the public hydrants in the <br />City. <br /> <br />Page 4. Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and <br /> Determination Order <br /> <br /> <br />