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50 feet from the nearest sideline of the roadway on which said dwelling, <br />building, or structure abuts nor nearer than 40 feet from the nearest sideline <br />of said property. <br /> <br />That no dwelling shall be erected on said property which has a ground floor <br />area, exclusive of one-story open porches and garage, of less than 1,400 <br />square feet. <br /> <br />That no dwelling on said property shall be constructed for less than the <br />average construction cost per square foot prevailing in the residential <br />constaruct!on industry in Mar!on County, Oregon, at the time of the <br />construct, ion. The constructxon .costs of garages, open porches, and <br />landscaping are not to be included tn determining the average construction <br />costs then prevailing. <br /> <br />That no obnoxious, offensive, or unlawful trade or activity be carried on or <br />Poermitted on the above-described premises, nor shall any nuisance be created <br />r permitted, and no .pigs, fightlng cocks, or offensive am.'mals be <br />perm/~tted on the premises. There shall be no parking of commercml tracks <br />or trailers on the premises. <br /> <br />That the sewage disposal for s.aid premises! be effected by means of <br />moderu plumbing and by septic tank, but nothing herein contained shall <br />prevent sewage d~"sposal by coimection to a sewer system of any municipality <br />of county. <br /> <br />That the restrictions and servitudes imposed by the foregoing covenants shall <br />run with the land and shall bind said land and the grantees, their heirs and <br />assigns, and any persons claiming through or under them to and until the 1st <br />day of Januap.,,, 2009. <br /> <br /> 7. Deed. Seller does hereby agree that in case the purchaser or purchaser's legal <br />represe.ntatives, successors, or permitted assigns., shall pay the several sums of money as <br />aforesaad punctually and at the tames above specified, and shall strictly observe and perform <br />the agreements and stipulations herein according to the true mtent and tenor, t.hereof, th. at <br />the seller shall make, execute, and deliver unto purchaser a good and sufficaent special <br />warranty deed conveying said described premises subject to the following encumbrances: <br /> <br />a. R!gh. ts of the public in and to that portion of the herein described tract lying <br /> wthm the boundaries of roads and roadways. <br /> <br />The assessment roll and the tax roll disclose that the within described <br />~remises w.ere specially assessed as farm land. If the land has become or <br />ecomes d~squalified for the special assessment under the statute, an <br /> <br />Page 3 - Contract of Sale <br /> <br /> <br />