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596- 81 <br /> AGREEMENT FOR EASEMENT <br /> THIS AOREEMENT, Mode and entered into this ~ 5~.. day of ...... ]~.~m12~.[ ........... 1987 .., <br />by and between John Pfaff and. Marjori. e..~5~f.,...H9.~band a~d..~±.$.~ ......................................... <br />hereimdter called the tirst party, and ............ B[~an..E!sl,~ .~P.~r.g~ ................................................................. <br /> , hereinafter called the second party; <br /> <br /> WHEREAS: The flrst p~rty is the record owner of the iollowin~ described real estate in . Mar~0s ......... <br />County, State oi Oregon, to-wit: <br /> <br />The South 15 feet of Lot 6, Block 9, HAMMOND ADDITION TO DETROIT, <br />Marion County, Oregon. <br /> <br />/2 - z. ~'_ jz.? <br /> <br />and has the unre~stricted right to grant the easement hereinafter described relative to said real estate; <br /> NOW, ~'HEREFORE, in view ct the premises and in consideration of One Dollar (SI) by the second <br />party to the first party paid end other valuable considerations, the receipt o[ all oi which hereby ]$ acknowl- <br />edged by the first party~ they agree as follows: <br /> The first party does hereby gran~, assign and set owr to the second party a perpetual non- <br />exclusive easemen~ co use ~he real property described for purposes of access and <br />installation of a septic tank and drain field and clearances. <br /> <br />(Insert here a full description of the nature and type of the easement granted to the ~econd party,) <br /> The second party shall have all rights oi ingress and e~res~ to and trow said real estate (including the <br />right trow time to time, except as hereJnafter provided, to cut, tr~m and remove treea, brush, <br />branches and other obstructions) necessary for the ~econd party% use, enjoyment, operation and maintenance of <br />the easement hereby granted and all rights and privile~es incident thereto. <br /> Except as to the rights herein granted, the first party sball have tbe iulI use and control of the above <br />scribed real <br /> The second party hereby agreee to hold and cave the flrst party harmless item any and all claims <br />third parties arising item second party's use ct the rights herein granted. <br /> The easement described abo~e shall continue for a period oi ...... P~.E2,~g~gY ................ , always subiect, <br />however, to the iollowlng speclHc condltlons, restrictions and considerations: <br /> <br /> The second party ~hall repair any damage caused by the installation and cons~ructlon <br /> and shall restore the property to ~ts original cond~[5on. <br /> <br /> <br />