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STATE OF OREGON <br />DEPARTNENT OF COMMERCE <br /> <br />OF PLAN REVIEW <br /> <br />(THIS IS NOT A BUILDING PERMIT) <br /> <br />Building Aumsville Elementary School 572A 11th St~ Aumsvflle No. 541-85 <br /> name ao~)~s <br />County Marion Occupancy E=I Const. 5-~ Sound Value $10~00I P~an Fee $3~.60 <br /> <br />Arch./Engr. Gregory Aeker New Bldg. Addition__ Alteration__. XDate Receive~ 07/!Z/~5 <br />~ner AQmsville Elem. Sob. Address same Date Revi~ed 08/16/85 <br /> <br />Star(es N/~rea 1,25~ no At:lc N/S -- Fire Wails ~one Exits 3 / )2ft' <br />Stilts N/~ no VotE.Shafts ~/~clOSed=~rinklers ~S / N/S ~n.Ala~ r~q~. ~one/ .... <br /> ~ tlosed ..... no ~e~ ar~a cowf~ l'~t. ~' ~ <br />Ext. N/~ =~t. Det. ~on none N/S N/S N/S ~ood <br /> ~ _ Flo~r Ceiling Roof Str. Members <br /> ~la'Ss ~0~' ~p~ area cord, ~ <br /> <br />Wall Cover ~/S / gyp Htr.~.Encl, N/S Ty~ Flue N/S Type Htg. Syst~ U.H. Fuel elee <br /> ext. ~'f, ~']" <br /> <br />The submitted plans have been ~vlewed for conforn)ity with fire protection statutes and regulations of Oregon adminis- <br />tered by this office. The following provisions must be incorporated into the pI~kect~_to meet current fire protection <br />regulations. A_~proval of submitted plans is not an approval of omissions or ov~'~)B~ ~s~of~c~a~ noncom <br />~tiance with an~ ~)icable re~dl'~tions 6f local ~overn~nt. <br /> <br />~E~RKS: ,,.~ , <br /> <br /> l) This is a Fire & Life Safety Plan Review covering the construction ~f the addi- <br /> tions and alterations to the above indicated building. The plans~,~~c~d for.- <br /> <br /> Code and fire and life safety regulations 83 edition. <br /> <br />2) Exit signs shall be provided at every required exit doorway and wherever otherwise <br />required to clearly indicate the direction of egress. An exit sign with letters ~aving a <br />principal stroke not less than three quarters of an inch in width and at least s~x inches <br />high shall be provided. The building official may authorize the omission of exit signs at <br />main exterior doors which are obviously and clearly identifiable as exits: Ref. Code, Sec. <br />3314. <br /> <br />3) Exit doors from lobbies, corridors and assembly areas are required to be pro~ided with <br />panic hardware: Ref. Code, Sees. 33~7 and 3318. <br /> <br />4) Exit doora shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special . <br />knowledge or effort. Manually operated edge or surface bolts are prohibited: Ref. Code, <br />See. 3904(c]'. <br /> <br />5) Corridors serving as a required exit for an occupant load of 30 or more are required to <br />be o,e-hour construction, corridor openings required to be protected. Doors tighg fittin~ <br />20-minute labeled self-closing assembly, ~indows ~ inch wire glass set in steel frames: Eel. <br />Code, Sec. 3305(h). <br /> <br />6) The flame spread of interior wall and ceiling finishes are to be a maximum of: stairway, <br />Class 1; corridor, Class 2; other areas, Class 3: Ref. Code, Sec. 4204 (Table ~.2A). <br /> <br />7) Where wire glass windows are installed, they shall be in fixed metal frames. <br /> <br />8) The plans for the above-indicated alteration are acceptable as submitted subject to the <br />items noted above and the approval of the authority having jurisdiction. <br /> <br /> Wilber t Russell. <br /> Examined By: <br /> <br />Apolir:;F:L, Fil~., Cle!-~.SFM, 5Fi~, Owna , Fir~ O-~pt., Ele¢,, Arch.lET!pr,, PIBS, <br /> <br /> <br />