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So~th 90° 10' 13" W~St from the Northeast oor~er of the South <br /> <br />a poimt~ thence North ~ ~' ~st $~0.0~ %o the point of beginning. <br /> <br />Parcel 2 <br />~iuut~ ~t an iron rod which l~ ~orth 89° 12' 25" ~t, and <br />7~9.~6 f..~ ~o~:tb 00° 21' wes~ B~ Og' 35" West from the <br />~nrthea~t corner of the Sour of the ~nation <br />~m Tow~hip ~ 3outk, ~n of the Will.erie tan, <br />~¥e~o~, ~d ~ron ro lm the west li~ of Holmq and ~Ing <br /> <br />05' :~st the ee~ter of said eree~. 1~.~ fee~ to a ~intl <br />North ~" %~st, eomf~u~ng alon~ the cen~r of said oreck, <br /> ~t ~ ~he ~t ll~e of %l~uist Ro.d~ %hence South OO° <br /> fo.% to the point of <br /> <br />~.~ fe~t '~o':th 00° ~' '~st, and ~9.~k9 feet fforth R9° 0~' ~5~ ~est from the <br />~orthwast corner of the South one-haiti of the John MoH~ley Donation Land <br />i~ To. ship ~ %uth. ~nge ~ West of the Will~ette ~ridian, ~rio. County, <br />~e~on, ~a~3 ~ron ~d ~eing i~ ~e ~st ~ne of Hol~uiat Road~ a~ ~ning <br />thence ~or?h ~9° 09' }~ '*esf 52J.~ feet to an iron pi~ i~ t~ east lime of <br />~be %,~tb~r~ ~acifle ~ailroidl thence Morth 8~o ~0' lJ~ We*t~ along said east <br />~l~e, ~."0 feet to an ir0~ rod; th*no* South 8~ 12' 2~' ~st J~J.7$ feet <br />to an irn~ rodl ~b~nce South O0° 10'-13~ ~st 7~.0~ feet t~ a ~int in the <br />.enter ~f Potter Ore*k~ thence ~th ~ 18' ~ ~est, alomg the ~entsr' of <br />~a~ ~r~ek, ~,,q? feet to m point~ thence ~o~th R~ O~' ~st I~.~ feet to a <br />O~ntt thence ~uth O0° ?~' '~st 2J7.~ feet to an iron rod~ th*nee South ~9° <br /> <br />th. nee ~th O0° 21' West ~90 feet to the po~t of <br /> <br /> <br />