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The Westerly 125.0 feet of the following described tract: <br /> <br />Beginning 46 links North and North70° 30' West 7.76 chains from the Northeast <br />corner of the Donation Land Claim of T. C. Coffey in Township 8 South, Range 1 <br />West of the Willamette Meridian in Marion County, Oregon; running thence North <br />70" 30' West, a distance of 5.31 chains; thence South 19° 30' West a distance <br />of 7.54 chains; thence South 70~ 30' East a distance of 5.31 chains to the <br />Southwest corner of a 2 acre tract of land deeded to B. F. Simpson, by William <br />Strayer and wife; thence North 19~ 30' East to the 'place of beginning. <br /> <br /> <br />