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SECTION 2-TO BEY-MUD:OUT:BY CITY OR COUNTY FLAMING,OFFICIAL <br /> 5. The facjlity.proposal is;located: <br /> ' insider City limits Q losideTJGB 0 Outside UGB <br /> 6, If inside the UGB,the proposed facility is subject to: <br /> 44 City jurisdiction CI County jurisdiction 0 Shared city/county jurisdiction <br /> 7. Dues the-business or facility.comply Withlocalland use requirements? ?airgS Q NO <br /> cc,Tninents: <br /> Is a public notice and hearing required? Cl YES el.;10 DATE:: <br /> SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY <br /> DEQ OAR ,404)71-01.60 requires-a permit application for onsite sewage disposal be denied if: <br /> A sewerage system.whickcan serve the proposed sewage flow is bOth.legaIly andphysically available. <br /> 1* Physical Availability:.A sewerage system shall be deemed physically available ifits nearest connection point - <br /> from,the property to be served is: <br /> • For a single fan*dwelling,.or other establishment with a maximum projected daily sewage flow <br /> -of <br /> not more than 450 gallons;within-1,00 feet <br /> • For a proposed subdivision or group of two to five family dwellings,or equivalent projected <br /> daily sewage flow,:not further than 200 feet raultipliedby the number of dwellings or dwelling <br /> equivalents <br /> • For proposed subdivisions or other developments with more thanfive:Single family dwellings;or <br /> equivalents,the county agent shall tnalteaease-by-case determination ofseWerage:availability, <br /> EXCEPTION:.A-sewerage-system shall,not be considered available if topographic or man-made features make <br /> connection,physically ittiptsotical, <br /> * Legal AvaiLablitiy.A'sewerage system shall be deemed legally available if the systetnis not under a.MQ <br /> connectiompentit moratorium,and the sewerage sySteirt owner is ‘villing or obligated to provide sewer service. <br /> 9a. Is a sewerage system physically available and legally available to serve this property? <br /> Physically available: -0 YES. tErNO Legally available: CI YES Cliker <br /> 9b. It"service is not available,please explain why,and when service may become <br /> -7066 eA;# . haAle... dthi. <br /> dtwort.MSNStPTICkApplicaticm Packet.s39 LtJtadde MC:.S-39,rev:FAO;0442. <br />