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Aidan Bammes <br /> From: Cotton, Christopher S. <> <br /> Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2023 12:03 PM (To: Aidan Bammes; c <br /> Cc: Kimberlee Aldrich f7( <br /> Subject: RE: 5575 Fruitland Road NE - Church 1.1 <br /> A WARNING:This email originated outside of Marion County. <br /> DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe. <br /> Good morning Aidan, <br /> I wanted to discuss the sizing of the Sunday school students listed in the SER: <br /> Notes & Landscape Features <br /> Sizing Note: 250 Seat Church (1250 gpd) + Baptismal Bath (measured at 717 gallons) + Sunday <br /> School for 40 students (600 gpd) = Max daily sewage flow of 2567 gallons per day <br /> Sunday school is sized at 15 gpd per person (Day School w/o gym, cafeteria, shower) <br /> I think 15 gpd would be appropriate for a school day with provisions listed, but I would interpret the sizing of Churches <br /> (5 gpd/seat) to include any typical ancillary activities before and after the services, or that the number of students <br /> should be discounted from the Church seat count. I'm confirming exact details of the school program and church service, <br /> but typically I have observed that Sunday school typically lasts for 1-1.5 hours and precedes the church services, with <br /> general attendance for parishioners on a day of Church service typically lasting for no more than 3 hours and including a <br /> Sunday School and Church service. <br /> I would typically also count additional employee flow for any staff, in this case the number of staff vary from 2-4 people <br /> depending on the day of the week. I would add 15 gpd per person for these flows. <br /> For the baptismal font, I'm confirming the frequency of the turnover of water(is it refilled before Sabbath (Saturday) <br /> services? More frequently during holiday weeks, etc. <br /> Assuming the worst flow case scenario, based on the weekly events I've been informed of,they'd only need to store 67 <br /> gallons from the flow generated from the activities on Saturday when they have Sabbath School, a Church Service, and <br /> an assumed draining of the Baptismal Font.This small amount of excess storage needed could be accommodated for <br /> with a 3,000-gallon tank equipped with pumps on timers that are configured to send no more than 1,250 gpd in a <br /> normal timer mode and 2,500 gpd in an override timer mode. I've provided flow sizing and surge tank analysis tables <br /> below. <br /> Marion County Provided Flow Scenario with Staff Additions from Church- Peak Week Siz <br /> Staff#(15 Parishioner#(5 gpd/person or Student#(15 Combined Daily <br /> Day gpd/person) seat) gpd/person) Flow Descripti, <br /> Monday 2 0 0 30 <br /> Tuesday 4 0 0 60 <br /> Wednesday 4 20 0 160 Off <br /> Thursday 2 0 0 30 <br /> Friday 4 0 0 60 <br /> / 1 <br />