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3. Surrounding uses are residential in all directions except west,where across Viewcrest Dr S are properties zoned <br /> Special Agriculture and are currently in farm production. Properties to the north, south and west but not across the <br /> road, are zoned AR and consist of small acreage homesites. The Salem urban growth boundary lies directly east. <br /> Properties inside the UGB are zoned Urban Transition and are developed with single family homes. <br /> 4. The applicant proposes to divide the subject property into two parcels. <br /> 5. Marion County Surveyor or commented: <br /> 1. Parcels must be surveyed and monumented. <br /> 2. Per ORS 92.050,plat must be submitted for review. <br /> 3. Checking fee and recording fees required. <br /> 4. A title report must be submitted at the time of review. Title reports shall be no more than 15 days old at <br /> the time of approval of the plat by the Surveyor's Office,which may require additional updated reports. <br /> Public Works Land Development and Engineering Permits (LDEP)requested that the following be included in the <br /> land use decision. <br /> ENGINEERING REOUIREMENT <br /> A. Prior to plat approval, acquire an Access Permit to establish any shared access approach from the public R/W. <br /> Exclusive access from Inland Way is preferred; however,potential relocated access from Viewcrest Road that <br /> maximizes available spacing in both directions could be considered. <br /> B. Prior to plat approval, apply to MCPW Survey Dept to vacate or acquire an access easement over the R/W <br /> Reserve Strips owned by Marion County Finance Dept.that front Inland Drive and Croisan Ridge Way. <br /> C. Depict any necessary access and utility easements on the plat. <br /> D. Provide evidence of coordination with local fire district as to any of their requirements for EVA access <br /> easements. <br /> Salem Fire Department commented: "Salem Fire Department has no concerns with the partition. Items including <br /> fire department access and water supply will be required to comply with the Oregon Fire Code at the time of <br /> development." <br /> Marion County Building Department commented: "No Building Inspection concerns. Permits are required to be <br /> obtained prior to any development and/or utilities installation on private property." <br /> 6. Chapter 17.181 MCC establishes provisions for partitioning property in an SGO zone. In the SGO-5 zone, <br /> creating a parcel less than five acres in size requires the applicants to submit a"Hydrology Review"meeting the <br /> provisions listed in MCC 17.181. The review indicates that there is a sustainable long-term supply of ground <br /> water for the proposed development. However,the County requires a Declaratory Statement be recorded with the <br /> property deed. This notifies the applicant and subsequent owners that there may be long term groundwater supply <br /> problems and that the County is not responsible for deepening or replacing wells. The County also requires <br /> submission of static water level measurements prior to recording the plat for all existing wells, and prior to <br /> building permits for all undeveloped parcels. <br /> 7. There are no specific approval criteria for partitions in the AR zone. MCC 17.128.070 requires a minimum lot <br /> size of two acres and the new parcels are consistent with this standard. Subsequently,the proposal meets the <br /> criteria for partitioning in the AR zone. <br />