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SITE PLAN INSTRUCTIONS FOR A SEPTIC APPLICATION <br /> ORECON <br /> Draw a site plan with actual measurements to any test pits, existing septic tanks, disposal fields, and other items <br /> listed even if they are to be replaced. Site plan must be current, legible, and contain all items listed below. If <br /> the form provided isnot1 o ded used,the an must include the title"Site Plan,"owner name, and site address of the <br /> PP <br /> property. <br /> ITEMS THAT MUST BE SHOWN ON YOUR SITE PLAN: <br /> ❑ 1. NORTH ARROW. <br /> ❑ 2. WELLS: Include all wells, including irrigation wells on property and within 100' of property. <br /> ❑ 3. ALL PROPERTY LINES AND DIMENSIONS, EXISTING AND PROPOSED: For <br /> partitions or property line adjustments, designate proposed properties with dashed lines; label <br /> parcels as "Parcel 1", "Parcel 2", etc. Contrasting color is recommended. <br /> ❑ 4. EXISTING AND PROPOSED STRUCTURES: Label as"Proposed"and "Existing." Include <br /> dimensions and distances to property lines. <br /> ❑ 5. EXISTING AND PROPOSED PROPERTY ACCESS: Label the Street Name accessing the <br /> parcel. Label driveways and parking areas. <br /> ❑ 6. UTILITIES AND EASEMENTS: Including any deed restrictions or encumbrances, if known. <br /> ❑ 7. SURFACE WATER: Including, but not limited to, storm water systems,ponds, lakes, springs, <br /> rivers, streams, creeks, ditches, canals, detention ponds, pools, French drains, field tile, and <br /> irrigation. Show existing and proposed. <br /> ❑ 8. EXISTING AND PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM: All septic tanks and drainfields, initial and <br /> replacement areas. Drainfield layout, dimensions (between lines and length of lines), distribution <br /> method, and header pipe will be required on all installation applications. Installations MUST <br /> occur within boundaries of previously approved areas. <br /> ❑ 9. TEST HOLES:** Accurately locate the test holes on the site plan diagram. Must be drawn to <br /> scale. Show distances between holes; and between each test hole and property lines. Test holes <br /> should be located in the vicinity of the proposed area for both initial and repair drainfields. <br /> ❑ 10. ANY OTHER FEATURES REQUIRING SETBACKS LISTED IN 340-071-0220 Table 1. <br /> FAILURE TO INCLUDE ALL OF THE ITEMS LISTED ABOVE MAY <br /> DELAY THE APPLICATION AND ANY PERMITS RELATED TO THE PROPERTY <br /> **The soil evaluation pertains only to the immediate vicinity of the test holes. A favorable report <br /> designates a defined usable area based on measurements to fixed property boundaries or <br /> permanent physical features. To complete the evaluation an accurate diagram is required. <br /> Property corners, existing lot lines, and proposed lot lines must be located and must be evident at <br /> the time of the field visit. Accuracy and completeness of the site plan will be verified during the <br /> field evaluation. Inaccurate or incomplete plans that prevent completion of the evaluation will be <br /> returned and re-inspection fees may apply. <br />