MEASURE NO. 24-106

Aurora Rural Fire Protection District

Explanatory Statement:

The Aurora Rural Fire Protection District was established in 1948. It covers 64 square miles of property and includes the Cities of Aurora and Donald. It was staffed exclusively by volunteers until 1995. At that time one paid employee was hired to do all of the maintenance, training, record keeping, and respond on calls as an Officer. We now have 47 Volunteer firefighters, who responded to 750 calls of service in 2002, and still only one full time employee. The District needs to hire two more full time employees to provide a safe level of operations.

For the safety of the District patrons and employees, we need to replace some outdated equipment and apparatus. This includes replacing a 1974 Fire Engine, a 1975 Fire Tanker, outdated defibrillators and air packs.

Looking to the future, the District needs to purchase land for facility expansion.

A local option tax of $.68 per $1,000 of valuation would fund these necessary equipment replacements and staff increases.

Submitted by

Fred W. Netter

Aurora Rural Fire Protection District


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