Measure 24-109 : City of Turner - Recall of Jim Thompson, Mayor of Turner PETITIONERS’ STATEMENT: (Exactly as stated on Recall Petition) JIM THOMPSON and other Council members fired the City Manager without cause on June 26th. Very recently the council gave Mr. Spies a good evaluation, a 3-year contract, a raise, and this following good ratings over his tenure. These councilors violated TRC Section 2.06.10 by taking this action during "other business". "Action shall not be taken until a subsequent meeting unless deemed urgent". The reason this is in our code is to give citizens notice, allowing them a chance to respond. Action was not deemed urgent by the council and was acted upon anyway. Citizens were not allowed to respond nor was Mr. Spies given a chance to defend himself against unsubstantiated claims made by councilors. The city has lost considerable monies due to severance pay and other associated costs of firing without cause. The cost of a temporary Manager will likely be more costly than paying a permanent Manager. A lawsuit against the City would also be very costly. These councilors have given no justification for costing the citizens this money. They have continually advanced their own personal agendas with complete disregard for the consequences. This spontaneous dismissal flies in the face of fairness and proper personnel practices.
STATEMENT OF JUSTIFICATION: (Exactly as submitted by Jim Thompson) I voted to release Charles Spies as City Administrator for a number or reasons including a serious breakdown in credibility. Retaliation by recall is the proposed remedy. The Oregon Constitution allows voters to recall elected officials but no reasons are required. The only opportunity for rebuttal is with their constituents. A review of ALL of the facts should be made before voting. You’re told the Council failed to consider just cause when it took its action. The Turner City Charter says, "A majority of the council shall appoint and may remove the administrator." It also says "The administrator shall be a appointed for a definite or an indefinite term and may be removed by the council at its pleasure." The Employment Agreement the City had with Mr. Spies said "Nothing in this agreement shall prevent, limit, or otherwise interfere with the right of the City Council to terminate the services of Mr. Spies at any time." "The City retains the right to terminate the services of Mr. Spies with or without cause." The council’s action was consistent but those who disagree want to escalate the confrontation with recall proceedings. It appears personality rather than performance is their issue.