Councilor, Ward 6
OCCUPATION: Assistant Superintendent, Oregon State Penitentiary (Retired); current Board member, Secretary, and Editor, USS Yorktown Association; Salem City Council member for Ward 6.
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: U.S. Navy, 1950-1954 (Korean War); 26 years in State Corrections, serving as liaison on fiscal/budget, long-range planning; proposing/implementing policies; interpreting/reviewing legislation, applicable Oregon laws, Departmental rules; conducting training and maintaining the safety/security of the prison and community.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: San Jose State University, B.A. (1960), M.S. (1961), majors in sociology, minors in criminology.
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Two-term Chair of North East Salem Community Association (NESCA), 1995-1997; Chair of NESCA Citizen Patrol (1995-present); Salem Neighborhoods Incorporated; in State Corrections dealt directly with the Legislature and its subcommittees, City Planning Commission, Capitol Planning Commission, Marion County District Attorneys office, State Attorney Generals office, State/County/City police agencies and all levels of local and state court systems.
PERSONAL: Married (39 years) to lovely wife Viola. We have enjoyed living the past 32 of them in Ward 6, raising two children and educating them in local schools.
Since being appointed to the City Council in July, I have kept my promises to the citizens by:
1) Attending monthly meetings of each neighborhood association in the Ward, to strengthen communication and the associations influence in City decision-making;
2) Promoting City Council balance by fostering a citywide spirit of cooperation, stressing those features of civic life that make Salem Salem; the Council is, after all, the peoples forum for reasonable discourse;
3) Facilitating community safety via a) implementing a joint venture between the NESCA Citizen Patrol and Salem Police Dept. to occupy an office in a potential high-crime area and b) stricter use of existing ordinances to close and seize from dysfunctional landlords properties proven to be drug and/ or gang houses, risks to public health or a neighborhood blight;
4) Urgingoverall and within various departmentsadequate and thoughtful responses by City government to its citizens.