Explanatory Statement:

The Salem City Council has determined that the following fees are subject to the election
requirements established by the passage and implementation of Measure 50. Ballot
Measure 24-90 permits the City to increase the fees listed below.


The increased planning fees will make planning services more self-supported by fees and
less reliant on property tax revenues.

Comprehensive Plan/Zone Change 1,900 2,500
(Residential and Non-Residential)
Comprehensive Plan Change 1,000 2,500
(Residential and Non-Residential)
UGA Permit (Plus $3 [to increase to $5] 1,2002,100
for every acre in excess of 5)
Zoning Adjustment 350 400
Applicant Initiated Interpretation 3501,500
Conditional Use 1,1001,500
Greenway Development Permit 395 1,300
Mobile Home Park (plus $3 [increase to $5]1,7003,000
per dwelling unit for every unit in excess of 5)
PUD:Tentative Plan (plus $3 [increase to $5]1,2003,250
per unit for every unit/lot in excess of 5)
PUD: Final Plan (plus $3 [increase to $5] 500 1,300
per unit for every unit/lot in excess of 5)
Variance (Non-Residential or Residential) 1,000 1,200
Zone Change: Non-Residential 1,900 2,500
Zone Change: Residential 1,100 1,700
Exception to Dispersal Policy 185 1,000
Specified Use Conference 180 400
Partition 700 1,300
Subdivision (plus $3 [increase to $5] 1,700 2,800
per lot for every lot over 5)
Legal Lot Opinion 85 600
Expedited Subdivision 3,700 5,300
(plus $5 for every lot in excess of 5)
Expedited Partitioning 1,700 2,500
Annexation (plus $3 [increase to $5] 350 2,500
per acre for every acre over 5)
Appeals (partitions and adjustments - 100 1,000
non-neighborhood association)
Appeals (partitions and adjustments - 0 125
by neighborhood association)
Appeals (mobile parks, UGA, subdivision - 100 1,500
non-neighborhood association)
Appeals 445 1,500
(all others - non-neighborhood association)
Verification of Land Use 15 125
Plans Check - multi family 15 20
(plus $1 [to increase to $2]
per dwelling unit for every unit in excess of 5)
Plans Check (all other) 30 35
Pre-application Conference 200 500
($100 [to increase to $500] of this fee
may be applied to subsequent land use
application filed within 90 days of conference)
Street Name Application 345 725


The increased fire permit fees will make the fire inspection program more
self-supported by fees and less dependent upon property tax revenues.
From($) To($)
Extra Hazard Use Permits (first) 42.50 75
Extra Hazard Use Permits (subsequent) 25 50
Water Capacity Permit < 1,000 Gallons 8 15
Water Capacity Permit > 1,000 Gallons 14 25
Combination Water Capacity Permit 8 15
< 200 gallons
Special Activity Permit 67.50 100
Above Ground flammable Tank Removal 27.50 50
Underground Flammable Tank Removal 82.50 125
Hourly Cost Recovery Rate 23 25
Reinspection Fee - per Hour 27.50 50


The increased sign permit fees will make the sign inspection
program more self-supported by fees.
From($) To($)
Signs Except Outdoor Advertising Signs
Permanent Sign Permit 85 125
Face Change 30 65
Outdoor Advertising Signs (Billboards)
0 - 300 Square Feet 300 650
301 Square Feet and Larger 300 650
For each added 100 square feet or fraction Base + 25 Base + 50
thereof exceeding 301 square feet
Annual Maintenance Inspection Fee 25 65
Temporary Sign Permit
Temporary Banner (good for 1 month) 30 35
Temporary Pennant (good for 6 months) 30 65
Temporary Balloon (good for 14 days) 30 35
Temporary Sign (good for 1 month) (firework and Christmas tree
stands) 30 35
Other Sign Permit
Sign Removal for Repair and Return 35 40
Wall Facade for Signs 85 125
Removal Agreement 100 127.50
Sign Appeal to Hearings Officer (new name) 1,000 1,000
Sign Code Interpretation 500 575
Banner Across Liberty Street (minimum $ 50 10/day 17.50/day
[increase to $87.50] per banner)
Penalty Fees (The fee for any sign permit Double Fee Double Fee
where the applicant begins work prior to
obtaining a sign permit required by this
chapter, shall be double the fee specified.)
Reinspection Fee - (Per inspection or n/a 35
reinspection when such portion of the
work for which the installer has not
requested an extension of time prior to
the final inspection date assigned,
and when such portion of work for
which inspection is called is not complete
or when corrections called for are not made.
Reinspection fees may be assessed for
deviating from the plans requiring approval
of the Building Official. No additional
inspection of the work will be performed
until the reinspection fees have been paid.)

Submitted by:
Mike Swaim, Mayor
City of Salem

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