Dear Fellow Marion County Voters: At the November 4, 1997 Special Election you will be asked to make some important choices on a variety of measures. Through your vote by mail ballot you will decide on two state measures, five county measures and city measures in Salem, Woodburn and St. Paul. This voter pamphlet is provided to help you become a well informed voter. In this pamphlet you will find the actual texts of all measures and additional explanatory statements for the local measures designed to provide you with impartial and fair information to help you make an informed decision. Some measures also have had arguments filed by those supporting and/or opposing the measures. Information about the two state measures is found in the state voter pamphlet you will receive in the mail. On page 4 of this pamphlet you will find information showing you how to correctly mark your ballot and return it to the elections office so it may be counted on November 4. You will find voter registration information on page 3. Page 23 contains a listing of locations in several communities where you may deposit your ballot up to 8:00 p.m. on election day if you choose not to mail it. If you have any questions about voter registration or voting, please contact Marion County Elections at 588-5041, or 800-655-5388 if you are out of the local calling area. Sincerely, Al Davidson Marion County Clerk |